Sunday, September 01, 2002

So although I have written it I dont believe this, I just wrote it to make myself feel better, I think. Also apparently the line breaks and shit get way screwed up when I post this so, it looks and feels better (according to mike)

The other sort of comfort

Somewhere in-between joy and depression,
right before numbness and full of confusion
I found words that could melt ice--------
felt their delicate curves, the texture and taste left in my mouth
yet once spoken the words lost all meaning, lost or taken for granted
forever unused crackers, going stale in the back of the cabinet
no hope of a future other than that of all broken, once spoken, phrases,
having realized this and its always bitter harvest
I felt betrayed by the world and sympathetic to the words
but found, with time
they were incapable of feeling the same...
creating little but boredom
the light shone, words
were a falsehood, a magnificent facade a glamour a touch of sweet in a bitter world, of cold
but they are not warmth, not fire nor sun, a flicker, a night light bright shock at most and incomprehensibly dull in themselves
but who's lips, who's tongue caressed touched moist and loving, not even caring about the words spoken, the feeling placed in them the cozy comforting touch on your heart as you listen
goosebumps and shivers

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