Friday, September 20, 2002

Mike had a rough day, he will now complain about it

no fuck that heres the thing, today although I was feeling sick and tired all day, I was still in a good mood. Why? because at the mall I saw at least 10 kids with the most beautiful big brown eyes I have ever seen in my life, I saw at least 50 little kids with smiles on their faces looking cute as ever, I saw parents who cared about their kids, fathers who would run after their children when they ran away. Old people who had as much energy as the annoying teenagers in line after them. Everyone was nice or at least tried to be nice, people could see I wasn't feeling well and they didn't mind that I was a little weird when I helped them. Everything was fine, and then one guy 10 mins before I closed (right as I felt like I was about to pass out) decided that he would vent a little on me (in front of his wife and kids) because he held on to just a little too much anger and pain in his life, and he didn't like the little plastic symbol I wore around my neck. And as I feel like shit, and as I try to keep my cool (or in fact regain my cool since I already feel like shit, he continues on, even though I haven't said a single thing to insult him or his family or anything other than defend myself and answer his ignorant comments which he hoped would belittle me a little. So after he leaves (possibly stealing money from me) after I say "have a nice night, don't worry about it" to his wife (who has made a sorry ass apology on his behalf) I get to spend the next 30-40 mins feeling like shit full of anger, sadness, disgust full of so much stupid shit that i don't want to feel, basically making me forget all those wonderful eyes, smiles, faces, voices, and good vibes, and worst of all I dont even know why.... On the way home im actually hoping a cop pulls me over (not that I was doing anything wrong) just so I could ask him if the world is really a good place. Sorry i just need to vent a little please please be kind to everyone you see for at least an hour after you read this please smile, please make sure everyone around u as well as yourself knows the world really is a good place and people are good make them believe it. please just so maybe one of those fucken kids with their beautiful little faces will get to stay so very beautiful
I dont know what else to say just believe this from me to you Peace and Love

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