Wednesday, September 18, 2002

Next I have decided from now on that all new friends or loved ones I intend to have i must meet in a bar, because bar people are so much cooler, I mean seriously they talk all loud cuz the music is too loud, their breath smells of alcohol, and they get all friendly next to you. Its like Utopia, no deep conversation nothing too interesting everyone slightly fakey and shallow, people laugh at jokes they didnt even hear the punchline to, and there is always an expression of "yeah i dont know what im doing here, I dont know if i like this person, I cant hear them and they keep checking out the person next to me." Its great cuz everyone there is slightly out of character and no one really knows how to cope, but most try to play it as cool as possible embarrassing themselves greatly.

Oh wonderful, no no wait I think I'm remembering something, ah yes, that it I think I hate bars!!

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