Monday, August 24, 2015


Dear former and future self,

Its a lovely Monday in Minneapolis. The wind is out but so is the sun leaving the temperature somewhere around heavy long sleeve weather. Its about 1 PM and I've been settling bills and looking up bank accounts. Tomorrow is my first actual shift at Dunn Bros MCTC location. They say it will take a few weeks to get up to speed, to have the rhythm of the place and to flow with my coworkers. I like the people I work with so far, they are all very chill and very nice.

I have been spending way too much money at Target. I've been spending like I need everything and last night I got a little worried that I wouldn't know how to stop. My bank accounts assure me that I am still within reason, but when I do my budget I am looking at major deficits.  There is just no way to make $1000 or whatever I will be making, work out for all my bills.
The apartment is basically half of that, insurance and various bills another quarter, 50-100 for gas each month, books and entertainment another 100 at least. I am left with almost nothing for food, nothing for extra expenses (a bike? a new computer? art supplies? a class?). These are all things I imagined I would be getting, and perhaps that is part of why I am spending so much now, its like I don't want to admit I have to budget yet and I am trying to get every little thing in before the big wham.

 I've also been having a hard time disciplining myself to work on the things I am "giving myself time for." I haven't picked up my guitar in a couple weeks, haven't been drawing, barely been writing. I have been watching a show I don't really like on Netflix and going over my OkCupid account with little to show for it. 

The last few days the stock market has been crashing and to me it reveals the ridiculousness of relying on the gamblers for future earnings.  I've considered getting another job, but as of now I haven't really done any of the things I wanted to do with my time off...
So I am facing this crisis in my head, the question being -do I use all my time to work? (meaning I might be able to pay my bills and not worry about the money stuff so much, but might also be stressed and wish I had more free time) Or  do I relax and assume the free time is good for me, push through and try to make something of it? (meaning I will be stressed about money, and anxious about the reality that I really don't know what I will make of it).

The other day I saw the billboard with the lottery numbers, the sign said something regarding having the money to pay for your dreams. In the car I divided the money this way.
Assuming 20 Million
1 million for future family issues * like parents retirement.
1-3 million for property and investments (stuff that will help future family if I ever have one).

5 million for investing in the environment
2-3 million for an arts center/performance space/coffee shop
3 million for progressive leadership training
3 million for a school.
2 million for philanthropic start ups. 

Its interesting how this kind of thought experiment can show you your priorities.
There is a piece of me that wants to worry less about financial stuff, to know my family is taken care of. My Mom says my Grandpa had a philosophy of savings, stocks and property, that between the three you'd always be taken care of and be able to pass the wealth on. If you are going to be rich, might as well make it last a few generations.

The biggest issue I can think of right now is not police brutality, or even human rights, but rather the environment. I just don't think anyone is paying attention to how fucked we are. I don't really know how 5 million could help, maybe investing in solar/wind projects. Maybe just trying to get the word out. Jesse has been part of this group called "less meat less heat" and though I am personally living it up off the animal farming industry, that is obviously in great need of reform. Maybe it would just be money for urban gardens and farms... who knows. In general though it feels like if humans don't realign ourselves with the environment and the ecology of the places we live, we will die.

I think the Arts Space and the School are similar. I want spaces that I can invest my energy and creativity, and I want other people to be able to do the same. I think these things could have huge impacts on peoples lives, so why not spend money on them.

Leadership and philanthropy, These are both ideas to get the money to have the biggest impact outside of my personal investments. Empowering others to create and transform their communities, teaching them to lead and empower others. I think that in the long run these things would probably have the biggest impact.

Why am I writing this?
I am wondering whats next. Ok so I take 6 months or a year off. I can afford to work a part time job or a minimum wage job for awhile and get by, but that isn't what I want in the long run. So what is?
Do I want to be a teacher? A professor? A community organizer? An activist? Do I want to run an arts program? Do I want to do none of this?

I just don't know.

A couple people just asked me where I wanted to go next... my answer is that I want to go somewhere, or do something that I am excited for, and I don't know what that is yet.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Chilling at an overly loud Spyhouse on this windy Sunday afternoon. I woke up sick, then went back to sleep until 11:30 or so and then went for a Calhoun walk.

I've been trying to organize my thoughts and activities, which don't allot to much.

Saw American Ultra last night with Illy. Entertaining bloody movie.
Moved into my place this week. Considering documenting the place. Its weird and random and dirty and organized all in one.
I have no blinds and stare at the people making food in their kitchen next door. I am far too comfortable with voyeurism.
I started training at MCTC this week and it seems like its going to be a rush. People talk about not having time to relax there, and say it helps the time go faster, but I was looking forward to having conversations and random thoughts. Maybe 20-30 hours a week is all I want.

I think Jesse might feel I am being needy. She has finally got her shit together and now I'm bugging her for attention. Just a few months ago it was the opposite.

I guess I really dont have the capability to think clearly right now. Its too loud.
I am worried my book project is too much. Just too many things to keep track of.
Oh well. Its 5 and im getting hungry so fuck off, Imma get some food.

Friday, August 14, 2015

The day before the wedding.

Yesterday I got to Estes Park and chilled in town for a bit before walking to meet up with the others. 
Watched shooting stars and caught up a bit with the boys. Had an edible which didn't kick in till I was sleeping. 

I've been thinking a lot, getting nostalgic, not necessarily for childhood, I'm glad we are grown and moving forward with our lives. Zach's baby is adorable. Pete and Susan will probably have one of their own soon. I'm proud of them. I like who they have become even if I feel a little distant, like a good memory from the past.  I'm here as a root, maybe not a branch to the future, but certainly to the past... 

But I'm nostalgic for love, warmth, the feeling of giving and receiving. Of enjoying so thoroughly the presence of another person. 

This whole week has been full of these kinds of thoughts. Of being happy and proud and wondering about the way forward from here.  We never had it figured out and things turned out ok, but somehow I still want assurance of the future. Will the next chapter be as special? As warm and loving or is that a thing of the past, come to fruition and now slowly shedding away with a bit of intoxicating perfume?

Monday, August 10, 2015


Three days in to the Colorado trip. 
The first day we stopped in the badlands to do some hiking, then met up with my uncle and went on another hike in the Black Hills. It was a long day in the car and we were pretty excited to move around a bit. 
The next day we went from the Black Hills through Wyoming and down to Colorado. Got in a hike before heading to our hotel in Avon. 

Today we woke early and went white water raging on the Arkansas River in Browns Canyon. Beautiful scenery with the canyon walls and the collegiate mountains in the back.  Rafting was more fun than I thought it would be. It was the part of the trip I was most worried about, and now if someone asked is probably be down to go again. Unfortunately I didn't have any caffeine and developed a wicked headache that won't go away. Also after three days in close proximity to my family I'm feeling irritable and introverted. 
They went for a hike and I stayed behind to do laundry and walk around the small town of Avon. 
Not as clear headed and creative as I'd like to be right now. Bought a Fitbit and met my ten thousand steps... Not sure how accurate it is considering I didn't have it on all morning. 

Thursday, August 06, 2015

Day 3 of work

My feet hurt and the longest shift I've worked is 3.5 hours. Tomorrow I have another three hour one. 

I have been working on drinks, recognizing the abbreviations for each drink, which milk, which preparation, which syrups/sauces, whip or froth?

That sort of thing. My steaming game still needs some work, though I've now steamed about 30 drinks. (That is a rough guess). I've  made almost every type of standard drink from lattes to icecremas, mochas to nirvanas, brewed coffee to ice tea. 

There are still a million things to learn. Like I still don't know where anything is in the store. I don't know the computer. The food.  How to bake stuff. The extras. I've been assured those are all the simple things that come later once you have the drinks down. 

Everyone is being generous and lovely with their support. I read the training guide today and noticed we skipped some things but we were pretty far through the list. 

I still feel a sense of panic and anxiety about it all. I am sure at some point it will be like muscle memory, but right now it's a difficult push through my brain on almost every step - which means I can multitask like the other baristas can. I don't think there is as much urgency at this location as I am feeling internally, but the few times it's gotten busy it felt like an incoming storm. 

It's strange how separate my worlds feel. Jodi will ask me questions about outside life and I'm just trying to stay focused.  
Yet yesterday it was nearing 9pm and I was so deeply into the story I was writing that I didn't want to pry myself away to go home and sleep. 

It made me happy. But my bills will soon be piling up if I don't start writing at home. Oh also I should be moving into the Minneapolis place when I get back. 

Tuesday, August 04, 2015


Yesterday I spoke to Mel on the phone for a little under an hour.
She is also transitioning back, and the guy she was dating (who she assumed she might marry) just broke up with her. She hates her job. Life is in shambles and shes broke. Of course there are things for her to look forward to, accomplishments and experiences she has that give her a boost, but what do you do when you're stuck?

Yesterday was my first day as a barista. Well lets put it another way, yesterday was my first day of steaming milk to the point of explosion. Yesterday was the first day I needed to do laundry real bad. Yesterday was a day in which I started the old "holy shit I have a lot to learn" anxiety. 
I watch baristas all the time, and they get into a rhythm, they learn the craft. So why do I assume it will take me forever, or I will somehow be the worst? Jodi is very positive. Its nice. Tomorrow I work with the boss boss, and the assistant manager who will be leaving. They will likely be less positive and more orderly in their approach. Might be helpful. 
I don't know how long my shifts are this week. That is part of the apprehension I am sure. Its also not helpful that I have been waking up so late lately. 

I got netflix two nights ago. So far I watched the entirety of the new Wet Hot American Summer series which was silly and had great music,  and the Swedish version of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo which I didn't particularly like.

Guitar has been going better though I don't play for very long. One of the main reasons I think it is going better is that I have this cool tuner that I just keep on and it helps identify the chords and notes I am playing. Its the visual verification that helps my brain process the sound to the gesture. It makes it more fun.  I wonder if there are guitar teachers who utilize these devices for that purpose, it also makes me listen to music differently. I listen for the strumming patterns and try to identify the chords. I am not anywhere near good enough to say "thats an A" or anything, but just to recognize the chord changes is helpful. 

We are going hiking in a few days, then Pete's wedding, then nothing for a while. I am nervous about both. Actually I am nervous that I will be nervous and won't be able to enjoy them, which is funny. I wonder if I should be on anti-anxiety meds, or have like some emergency ones. I could be one of those people. A pill for a date, a pill for a new job, a pill for a party/wedding/event. I could be one of those people.
I am hoping to move into this apartment, otherwise life seems more difficult. 
But once it is set up... back to boredom and routines. So I'd like to establish some good ones.

So what will my good routines be?
Today as I was walking around the lake I considered purchasing a fitbit (since my entire family has them) or at least a pedometer. Then saying basically I can't go to bed until I get my 10,000 steps or whatever it is. This is all while I am nervous about the swelling in my left foot. I noticed while buying shoes that I couldn't even fit my old sizes because I need a little extra room for the left one. This doesn't seem good. 
I would like to figure out how to keep my weight somewhere around the current weight. I look at pictures from the winter a couple years ago, and I'd really like to not get that heavy again. 
Playing guitar.
Making room for more writing, waking up at a decent hour and just assigning myself some pages might work.  

My confidence is lower than it was even a week or two ago. 
Not sure if that is new job, or lack of routines or what.
You know some people don't reflect like this.  

Sunday, August 02, 2015

The Summer

I've been sleeping in later and later. Something about unfinished business drags me back to the pillow. The dreams are little sun beams reaching in all directions, anxiety and love and excitement and fun and work.  Old friends and new meet me in my dreams, and without a task in my waking life, it seems odd to reject them.