Wednesday, April 30, 2008

CDs I highly recommend and have been listening to non-stop lately (the spring CD mix). The songs I choose here… are just the ones I’m especially enjoying now… later I’m sure I will switch and like other ones..

The Plastic Constellation’s We Appreciate You

This is the final CD from the local band and its pretty sweet. It is definitely TPC sounding… favorite tracks include “Perched on a Porch” “Disastrophe” “So Many Friends” and more… if you don’t like the TPC sound, you won’t like this CD… but there are a few songs that I think people could appreciate parts of.

Atmosphere’s When Life Gives You Lemons, You Paint that Shit Gold

I really appreciate this CD from atmosphere however it is a slight departure from some of the last CDs which had a more powerful sound, more production, more beats and sound… this one is stripped down like an acoustic version of atmosphere and I love it. Slug tells stories on this CD similar to Lucy Ford, which I’m still partial to. Fav songs… really I like a lot of em.. but I think I like the second half of the CD more… “You” “Yesterday” “Guarantees” “Wild Wild Horses” “Cant break” “the waitress” “In Her Music box” the whole second half is superb… the first half is good too though… I will probably be more into that half in a week… that’s the way I work.

A Night in the Box’s The Hustle, The Prayer, The Thief

This CD is excellent.. The first song sort of encompasses the sound of the band, starts off with a wild jam, then settles into harmonies and some banjo. The sound is simultaneously the sort of folk/bluegrass and rock that I’m sure people out there like me be craving. “Don’t Do Me Wrong” “Can I Bleed?” “The Hustle” “Tom Sawyers and Lawyers” all sweet.

Doomtree False Hopes (2007)

Doomtree always does me right what can I say… This CD is pretty fun right from the beginning… I mean you got so many different MCs, DJs and producers that your pretty much covered… I really enjoy Sims and Mictlan’s cooperations.. Their stuff just works together… Dessa is always impressive she has a song called “If and When” that is simultaneously really creepy, beautiful, sentimental… totally creepy again.. Cecil’s remix for “A hundred Fathers” is incredibly beautiful. P.O.S you gotta love, lyrics and emotion, I dunno… I really cant imagine ever disliking a Doomtree CD, this one just grows and grows on ya. Even the instrumentals are kind of nice… and they remind you that this is a group with influences from everything… in short every track is awesome.

Gee, I thought I was playing a lot of solitaire at home.

I know I will probably sound like whiny diva type… but the internet keeps going out. I’m not sure I can live under these conditions. It’d incredibly annoying.

I don’t really like being off campus.

It’s probably just cuz I’m crabby, this will probably improve my school work.

I just don’t like being in the middle of something and then having the connection go out… so that everything I was working on is lost, and then when will it come back? I dunno… I got both the LAN and the wireless and neither is working.

Yesterday it worked just fine… what happened today?

Im also not being as social as I hoped I would get to be… mostly because I’m off campus… but also I haven’t figured out a schedule enough to really work with people… I slept from 6-12:40 AM today… that was silly… but I was tired. –tired again… maybe just go to sleep and hope for internet tomorrow.

If i suddenly decide to jump ship please dont judge me... I just gotta do whats right for me... right?

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I'm really glad I bought this cd... its amazing. Strangely there are parts of it that sort of remind me of cirque du soleil and quartetto gelato but since I love both of those too... well es perfecto for doing homework to, or for falling asleep, or for rocking out if you pump it.

I sort of love certain types of world music, and I think this is a very western friendly introduction as well as beautifully produced and performed.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Well school is already kicking my ass. Only cuz I let it of course... Im frustrated because we are being forced to rewrite papers we wrote last semester, when I asked to clarify "rewrite" I was told to write a new paper and possibly use a few sentences from the old one here and there.
I spent a lot of time working on some of those papers and I still feel like they accurately portray who I am and what I have learned. I dont see why they can just be updated.

I am really enjoying my book on "Choice Theory" which I have to present next monday.

Its two weeks then a final presentation, then party till graduation. I dont have to worry about moving back because I barely have a car load of stuff. I am however living in someone else's room with their desk, bed, shelves etc. So if they decide to come back at any time for this stuff I am fairly screwed...
and she was a 2005 park grad... which is funny.

It is pretty great to be back in Morris, I remarked to Laurel that we look like adults... which is disturbing... she said that she was not a grown up... i didnt necessarily mean we acted liked adults... just that we looked like them now... not so much clothes and hair or anything... but just a sort of weird "adult-y" confidence or something.

I asked a friend this question during a session of "truth or truth" yesterday:
"What is the fetish you think you would most appreciate and the one you would most dislike? but then told her she couldn't tell us which was which.
I was sort of proud of that question in a weird way.

I don't think I would ever feel comfortable answering that in public (and being honest)... but she did a wonderful job of responding.

I ate at tmc twice today... I forgot how little morris has to offer foodwise... I have already eaten at Pizza hut, dons, joses, tmc, and gotten snacks from coborns and willie's.

I bought a new toothbrush cuz the other one fell on some really dirty floor... and then i dropped the new one in a sink that doesnt drain very well... this time i soaped it instead of being a consumer whore.

Who lives in hopkins and reads this? are you friendly?

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Back in Morris, where yesterday and the day before it apparently snowed a goat load. Reconnected with a few cats last night with plenty more to follow I'm sure. Things change a lot but they still don't change.
I used to use that line in a negative way, but its nice to have a homecoming.
I'm paying rent for a room at Mike the Rock's.
It's funny to be at a place (all Morris student housing) where you can wake up from a night of drinking and be unsure if you are dizzy or if the floor is just uneven. Probably both.

There was a red yellow white and black centipede in my dream and it kept me from doing things people do.

I think i might have been too honest last night. But maybe not.
I got shit to do, but it will require several hours of me sitting here to wake up.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

This is Becky's roommate Brian (Jupiter in January), he is a musician and hes pretty good despite it not being my style of music. Hes also a pretty interesting guy. I had like a 4 hour conversation with him the other day. Me and Becky been trying to figure out what market he will break into, because some of his music would fit on the pop music stations, and some of it would fit at like a rave or a club, but thats not really Minneapolis. Last night he played a show at their building and there wasn't many people there... he was pretty frustrated and told us he was moving to London ASAP... it was pretty funny.

Morris today?

Friday, April 25, 2008

today kind of sucks. I don't know why exactly... probably the weather. I just don't feel like doing anything. So packing, and moving to morris for three weeks seems sort of silly. The driving was shit this morning, and if I leave right now I'm sure I will hit traffic. Supposedly its snowing in Morris. The trunk of my car wont open for some reason. I think I can fit everything in the seats... but it just sort of sucks more.

Had breakfast with my dad.

I don't want to do homework.

There was a shark attack in CA.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

This is a moose meditating. But everyone and their mom thinks I need to make the face part more clear... I don't have the time.. I'm sooooo busy with all my youtube watching, and other procrastination.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

new crap on poetry page.

I grew up somewhere between the city and the suburbs,

a child of this world,

Minus 3/4s the discomfort,

and whats that leave?

Divorce and teenage angst,

but grunge and rock thrived

and handled those complaints.

apparently I'm writing another rap song...

Monday, April 21, 2008

Note to self: Sometimes the pain in your stomach is the muscles (the ones you never use) and they ache because you used them. Try doing it again sometime.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

So While I got these pictures of my big floppy hearers up... does anyone know how you could make/insert an earing that looped through 2 holes but loops three times? Cuz I think that would be cool... diagram above... the start and end points dont really matter, but I imagine you would totally ruin your ear trying to screw that in...
Mike went to a concert last night at First Ave. These two wonderful groups were performing Doomtree and The Plastic Constellations.
Both groups were awesome!
Mike regretted not bring a camera.
It was The Plastic Constellations "final" show.
It was also their cd release party for their new album "We Appreciate You" which you can hear some of at their myspace page. They threw cardboard weapons into the crwod for their hit song "lets war" which im pretty sure i posted lyrics to on here a long time ago.
Mike lost his hearing (slightly---lasting) in this ear:

And also in this ear.

It is a little worrisome as Mike has a family history of hearing impairment.
(8 earrings for those of you counting, used to be 9. wouldn't mind more, but have to get a job)

The Plastic Constellations have always been an incredibly nice and tremendously exciting band. They will be missed but by their own admission "with so many friends, were bound to last till the end, were bound to start it again, till the end till the end." So maybe they will not be gone forever.

In other news, thanks for commenting so much!!!
but I hope you all know you don't have to be anonymous, I pretty much know only 4 people read this.

Um I have only applied to one job. I think thats all I'm gonna do before I go to Morris... get this shit done, and then start the next project right?

I hope my hearing improves... I used to go to so many concerts and it always got better...

Friday, April 18, 2008

I have this really bad habit of bringing up emotional memories when I am trying to do something important. It's like "wow I have this incredibly important and long paper I haven't started... oh I better read old love letters." or "oh geez I really need to get this application in before the deadline... I better go look at pictures of people I care about."

Thursday, April 17, 2008

This girl I dated once called me childish when we broke up. I took offense at the time, but isn't it funny how we age and realize just how childish we were?
And every age feels like you are right. not necessarily because you are enjoying that age, not because you are happy or have a hold on reality... but because by comparison to what had come were acting down right mature... and then after times passes... you realize mature would have meant never being at that point in the first place... but it also would have meant not having had so much fun. And you don't regret your childhood, you just see it as something you grew out of.
But I'm sure my Grampa and Grama see me as young and stupid and full of life and confusion- and I'm sure they are right. I just wish they would look in the mirror and see that they are too.

This series of photos taken at various times over the past 2 days shows my general moods.

kinda of concerned...and weird.
I just realized I have been asked to come back to every job I have ever had.
Maybe thats not a huge accomplishment but it makes me feel pretty good.

The baker square one was the funniest, because the assistant manager practically begged me. He kept saying he could schedule me on any weekends or holidays or anything I ever wanted. Weird because the turnover at the place was crazy, I'm sure he wasn't even there a year later. It was funny because I had only been there a few months and felt like a complete failure every day... but they always told me that I was the fastest learning cook they had had. I was still using the menu to remember what each meal used when I left... (they knew it too). Maybe he just felt bad about my first day as a cook... the cook I was supposed to work with didn't show up... so I was the afternoon cook even though I hadn't been trained in anyway. It was quite the day.
I hate to say it but sometimes I felt like they liked me because I was a college student. Most of the cooks and waitresses were on tough times... I think the fact that I didn't have the added stress, knew the job was not where I was gonna be for life, could hold a conversation about other things... Managers liked that.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I think Im starting to like messing around with my art on the computer a little too much. This is a watercolor and pen drawing I did today... My mom said something like... "do you just make this stuff up as you go or do you see it in your head first?" I said "a little of both."

The photo was taken on my webcam thing so its a little blue, the messed around version is actually closer to the real thing... but I dont think any of these have the right color.
There is this job I really want, but I don't think I will get it simply because I haven't completed everything yet. I'm a little behind on things like recommendations, a license, etc.
I also haven't finished my lesson plans which I just e mailed a prof about.

I bought some cool books last night (or at least I hope the will be cool).

I apparently am at my limit on the mn artists webpage... which means I will have to start actually thinking about what I put on there and which to take off.

I am seriously considering getting a real website. My mom has one... I think its nice to have everything in one place.

I'm getting really excited about returning to Morris but I worry that being in Morris will keep me from getting a job here.

I was talking to my step dad about teaching overseas... I really think that if I cant find anything the chances of me leaving are fairly high... unless I decide to sub.. I also got into a weird argument type thing with Becky last night (while at target which is a story) about rooming with someone else.
She claims that we could live together. I think not. Not that I wouldn't want to, but that I cant you know... so I was throwing out all these ideas of people I could live with and she got frustrated with me -because she doesn't get why I think we cant live together.

So Target evacuated while we were there... thats the story. It was funny because we didn't even really notice. They were playing this "please evacuate" message and neither of us paid attention... so then I noticed everyone was rushing towards the door...
It was something stupid like someone smoking in the employee lounge or something.
They probably lost a lot of money.
The Barnes and Noble in Roseville is the best one... its massive, it has a used section, Italian people were meeting there to have discussions, there was a book signing... it was ridiculous.
"Plea From a Cat Named Virtue" -by The Weakerthans

Why don't you ever want to play?
I'm tired of this piece of string.
You sleep as much as I do now, and you
don't eat much of anything.

I don't know who you're talking to
I made a search through every room,
but all I found was dust that moved
in shadows of the afternoon.

And listen,
about those bitter songs you sing?
They're not helping anything.
They won't make you strong.

So, we should open up the house.
Invite the tabby two doors down.
You could ask your sister, if
she doesn't bring her Basset Hound.
Ask of things you shouldn't miss:
tape-hiss and the Modern Man,
The Cold War and Card Catalogues,
to come and join us if they can,

for girly drinks and parlor games.
We'll pass around the easy lie
of absolutely no regrets,
and later maybe you could try
to let your losses dangle off
the sharp edge of a century,
and talk about the weather, or
how the weather used to be.

And I'll cater
with all the birds that I can kill.
Let their tiny feathers fill

Lie down;
lick the sorrow from your skin.
Scratch the terror and begin
to believe you're strong.

All you ever want to do is drink and watch TV,
and frankly that thing doesn't really interest me.
I swear I'm going to bite you hard and taste your tinny blood
if you don't stop the self-defeating lies you've been repeating
since the day you brought me home.
I know you're strong.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

So I was just looking at my art work and I think I have a real problem with A) realism B) depth in my work. I think the "depth" if there is any comes from foreground and background only... nothing that sort of ranges...
I'm trying to figure out if this is
A) because I don't have any interest in painting the way other people paint.
B) because I lack the formal training to do good work.
C) because I don't use the right paints to create the effect... like oils for instance seem to be able to do things that acrylics cant... and I don't use oils (because I don't know how).
D) It might just be because I still see the paintings as works in progress, where as when I look at other people's work I see it as a picture of something... my work is "me trying to paint" and so I see it in the 2d format that I painted it on....
E) probably all of the above.

This makes me think I should take classes again. But my mind wanders so much I have a hard time painting real things, or drawing real things, I get bored... I move on, I mix images that fit or don't sometimes just because thats what I was thinking about. Anyway, it makes me pretty self conscious thinking of myself as an artist... I mean I am an artist, but I just looked at like 30 other artists and some of them were really amazing... I don't know how to do that. I would like to include more realistic things in my paintings and keep my weird anything goes style.
Apparently I have decided to start labeling posts... we shall see how long this lasts.
The job fair was not good. It was great for socializing though.
Upon leaving I saw a "bum" a traveling man, thin legs and 3-4 backpacks full of probably all that he owned. I felt a stronger connection to him then any of the suits inside. Its one for the questioning mind.

Its hard to stay pumped though, i forget how I'm supposed to think of this as like a 3 year process... complete with low lows and endless possibilities.
Alaska? Arizona? Somewhere must want me, right?
I think James used to call her "Miss Nicole," anyway... whenever shes in my dreams there is always a strange distanced feeling, even though I usually don't notice it till I'm halfway to hugging her.

Thats the way of things.
I'm pretty sure my dreams are real sometimes, and she looked really nice and happy.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Tomorrow is the ed job fair. I'm totally nervous. I don't know why. I was fine earlier, i was talking and confident. Now I'm shaken. I might not even get any interviews tomorrow so I don't know what I'm all hyped about. I have worked in education before. I can leave it if I don't get in right?

Tour guide, writer, dj, artist, community ed, social work, counselor, student, over seas, waiter, business, shit... i thought it would be easy to think up 50 jobs i could do quick.
theres really only like 5 there... and the rest don't work, or dont pay.

"Hallelujah I'm a bum, hellelujah bum again."

I'm spending far too much time stressing and not enough time working on my portfolio.
I have to wake up at 7:00, and its 11:00ish.

Hey you look really good today. (sexy wink)

Saturday, April 12, 2008

finishing up old ones... yep.

watercolors are so light... I need to learn how to make really deep colored ones. this is watercolor and marker by the way. and I think the background (which is mostly new) is supposed to be like a weird mix of mountains turn into sky... but it doesnt necessarily make sense which is why it took me so long to finish this one... it was just sitting around and i couldnt think of shit to do with it so i just did something.
Why does it feel like sunday? or sort of... i want new post secrets! alas.. no.

This dude I talked to a lot in high school has apparently been really productive the last few years... rather than giving you a link to all his separate webpages for all his projects... i will just send you here: Tyler Blanksi. I really like some of his music and have been listening to a bootleg copy of one of his cds for a few years. Anyway... makes me wish i were cool.

Um, I had all these thoughts and hopes for today... but really I should finish my resume and get copies and prepare for monday. THE BIGGEST EVENT OF THE YEAR not really but they seem to want us to think that its important... what with the 50 e mails.

Um... in other news... owning mahowney (movie) not so good... jersey girl (movie) aight... i have to watch the lady in the water now.

Thanks for all the comments people!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Facebook has this advertisement that has this picture with the words "ew. disgusting." and then some weightloss mumbo jumbo below it...
maybe its just me, but i thought that was rather offensive.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

5 bucks says you cant guess what this is.

I don't really know what to say... I been sitting around a lot... time to think and dream. Its nice, I feel in some ways like I'm allowed to live a little. Sitting around is sort of like traveling to me... forces you to be in the moment sometimes. but feel free to call a brother... chances are I aint doing anything.

Turns out mike the rock may have an entire open room and possibly even a bed. throw him and his roomies some scrap and maybe i got a place to stay.
Im thinking about going to morris earlier... mostly because there is nada goin on here... and I don't really need to play any more computer games.

I guess thats it... Im gonna go play some more video games.
And sing songs about being lazy.

some other arts... the last 4 were all in the sketch pad i was drawing stupid shit in today... im guessing they are all from within the last 3 years. some i know for sure were like last summer at the latest.

Monday, April 07, 2008

I started this painting on the art day last fall... I think someone gave me the idea that day so thanks to whoever... but this will be called something simple like "the cellist" cuz thats what its supposed to be.

So the first whole one...was the original and then i decided I didnt quite like it, felt the instrument and the character's leg werent quite right... im not sure if this second one is better... things are still out of order. also you can see how different the coloring looks depending on the lighting...

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Part of thank you letter (St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow)

The outline (a copy) in pencil

In watercolor, sort of screwed up a little... but this is the final copy.

The scanner allowed me to put it in black and white, and I like this a lot better... sad.

When I got home I messed around trying to bring out the colors a little. This is the computerized version.
I went to bed at like 9:30 and woke up at like 12:00 PM... thats forever. but I woke at like 12:00, 3, 8, 10 and convinced myself I could sleep more. Partially because I knew I would be bored if I woke, partially because I really enjoy dreaming.

So last nights dreams were kind of weird... because the plot changed like every few minutes and my mind was definitely trying to keep up. The second to last major scenario had me wandering around a house while everyone was sleeping... it was a large house, I couldn't sleep and rather than do things I shouldn't... I went to find something to do. I was for some reason completely naked, but with a blanket... I checked to see if anyone was awake... the house was not familiar but it seemed like I understood the layout well enough to navigate, check my e mail etc. Eventually I went back to the original room I was in, which looked sort of like my grampa's living room, only the exercise bike was on the wrong side, and in stead of two lounge chairs in the doorway there was a big king size bed.
On this bed seemed to be a girl who was crying and turned out to be awake... I kneeled on the floor and asked her what was up. She sort of turned away for a second so I went back to where I was sleeping. She then started talking to me, but not loudly enough... so I approached again.. which was uncomfortable because I was still naked under the blanket.. which I of course told her because I do that sort of thing.
I recognized who it was. It was this girl I knew in high school... she was like 2-3 years older than me, and in 9th grade I thought she was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.
She seemed a lot more frail now, less confident (crying) but shy too.. She said something about being in the middle of the final section of trying to prove she would be a good counselor... and she was super stressed and wanted to die.. and she meant it. I didn't know what to say... instinctively I knew that this girl was worth more than she said... but I didn't know her well enough to give specifics. I wanted to hug her, anything to make the truth in her words seem just a little less certain. (the truth being she actually felt that bad).
I stumbled over words for a while, but it was ok, because I was rubbing her back and she was venting, but not about the job... about how miserable she was, friends, family, work, boyfriend. The boyfriend part was something I was expecting -but somehow hurt... because of course I was hoping.
She was so close, and warm, so frail... I just wanted to make her feel better.
eventually her sister came over. Her sister is younger than me... but the moment she got there the girl jumped into her arms... and complained about how she didn't have any friends.
I raised my hand timidly.
She gave me thanking eyes and a half smile... the smile is what made me like her in 9th grade... she smiled at me.. genuinely when she didn't need to.

The next portion of the dream was weird, a new scene entirely.
I was a man, a real man... I was a stranger to her family... somehow trying to get on their good side... making wood doors.. helping the kid brother with projects. I was a big guy, the girl was in trouble, she didn't seem to be pulling away, maybe her boyfriend, I watched as my character punched the guy, it wasn't the girl, it was her sister and her teacher, she was 13 he was 20... he ran. The dad gave me a wad of cash for this display eventually... but immediately it wasn't clear that I had done the right thing.
My character was on edge. Always, trying to prove he was safe. He watched them... the girl and her boyfriend, it was like in the movies... he was waiting for his moment... I was on edge watching this "me" not being me at all... it was horrible.
Eventually we were back in that room... the room like my gramps... I was on the bed, facing the rest of them... it was like a party. the dad handed me the cash. The girl was upset... she was telling me and her sister why she wasn't good enough. it suddenly hit me I needed to tell her how in love with her I was... not because I wanted her, but just because she needed to know she had affected someone positively. But I couldn't remember her name, her sisters name, her family... who were they? why was I here? I couldn't remember anything... I kept asking questions holding on to whatever was left in my head... but it faded. I ran to the computer to facebook her to find out if she was real.. she was real... but she wasn't on facebook... there was a line for the computer they were waiting for me to leave.
I gave up.. but no one noticed.


The last dream was too random to write down... something about driving and needing cash and supplies...
Im always on these weird road trips in cities I have never been to. Malls and schools I have never seen, houses that dont make sense.. These places seem familiar but also have a hint of me feeling lost in all of them.


Dream analysis is hard with that one... because I have hints of several people. I was talking to Rachel yesterday for about 4 hours about how life sucked... and some of it was probably triggered by that.
I think its interesting how I equate thin people with being vulnerable in my subconscious. I really don't get the whole time I was in the role of the big guy guy... it seemed really weird.. he was doing all these things I would never do... but they seemed to be the "right" things to do.
and even when they weren't... they were the right things for him to do, so no one cared.
There is a lot of splintered self images in the dream... lots of yin/yang imagery. Oh well.
I'm just writing this for me... for later.
a new post later probably.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

The majority of the people who go to my poetry website are people who google "face slapping" which brings up a poem I wrote in the middle of the night because I couldn't sleep and was very angry with someone. Its technically a poem trying to justify my feelings of anger, at an individual but also at myself for the things I have done in my life.
It sort of bothers me that this "deviant" behavior is in many ways exactly what I was disturbed by, and the cause of my frustration. -if you aren't following, I am about 99% sure the people who google that are fetishists, which doesnt bother me, but I have always tried to keep an open mind to what people enjoy.
The problem in this case is that it does actually bother me when people hurt each other... and its hard to come to terms with the reality that some people enjoy that kind of treatment (both being on the giving and receiving end) and at the same time knowing that many of these relationships are really unhealthy.
Its sort of the double edge... how is something that is supposed to be good and ok -like sex and trust and sharing, also something that can be horribly abusive... cuz thats the nature of the beast right?

I dunno.... this isn't very coherent... I guess I just wanted to say something about it because it weirds me out a little... -not the people, but the idea that i was writing about how horrifying stuff like that is, and then people are finding it while trying to enjoy themselves... i guess.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

The best way to deal with embarrassing things is to talk about them right?

I always know when I suddenly break out that its time to change my pillow covers.
That is, if I haven't changed soaps or diet, or stopped washing my face obsessively and such.
My pillow covers are t shirts by the way, something i picked up from an mtv show when I was 16.
The most unfortunate of these "blemishes" is the one on my nose. I don't know if people know this but I'm sort of self conscious of my nose anyway, something about my family getting made fun of I think... and its just not a very nice spot to get a zit. The first day I felt fairly uncomfortable and was even thinking about avoiding social gatherings this week (not that I have any planned), but then I realized I was being a jerk... still I have taken to using my mom's cover-up make up stuff before I go to school... which is something I haven't done since I was like 13. Its also something I feel quite hypocritical about because I have told numerous people who I am very close with that I didn't think they needed make up, and that I hoped they would some day be confident enough to not wear any. So I'm a jerk. I also feel fairly silly right now (which is why I'm writing this) because I don't really have anything to complain or feel self conscious about... I'm not the most attractive person in the world, but generally I am ok with myself, and I am very satisfied with life... so why worry? I know that the people who are close to me would stand by me regardless of what I looked like and I would do the same for them because I love them for them.

But its nice to have this reminder of what people struggle with daily (not that I haven't not had acne everyday since I was 13) but its nice to be made aware that some people are strong enough to work through society's bullshit -and say "I'm awesome just the way I am thankyou very much and fuck you if you don't think so" those people are courageous and helpful for those of us who are still caught up in this bullshit.

On another note, I think I now have natural eye shadow... as a repeated cut above my left eye is now healing quite nicely... but the skin is much darker there (probably scarred) and I don't think its going to go away.

Anyway... that was Mike's embarrassing update for the week. You take care of yourself, and maybe someone else. Peace and love