Sunday, April 13, 2008

Tomorrow is the ed job fair. I'm totally nervous. I don't know why. I was fine earlier, i was talking and confident. Now I'm shaken. I might not even get any interviews tomorrow so I don't know what I'm all hyped about. I have worked in education before. I can leave it if I don't get in right?

Tour guide, writer, dj, artist, community ed, social work, counselor, student, over seas, waiter, business, shit... i thought it would be easy to think up 50 jobs i could do quick.
theres really only like 5 there... and the rest don't work, or dont pay.

"Hallelujah I'm a bum, hellelujah bum again."

I'm spending far too much time stressing and not enough time working on my portfolio.
I have to wake up at 7:00, and its 11:00ish.

Hey you look really good today. (sexy wink)


Laurel said...

Fuck that shit. You're better than the Job Fair! You'll do fine. I can think of like, 40 more jobs you'd rock at. Psh. Don't even worry about it.

Anonymous said...

Laurel is right - be yourself, and as soon as job people start talking to you they'll realize you're brilliant and they'll all want to offer you jobs, and then you'll have the opposite problem - you'll have to pick one!