Friday, May 20, 2005

not that anyone cares, but heres some things

i did the best ever in grades and i do mean "ever"

foundations and issues in ed (A)
drugs and human behavior (A)
Indigenous peoples of the world (A-)
Environmental geology (B)
Voice lessons (A)
U.S. History (A)

doesnt that just look pretty?

Im taking online stats in a month or so.

I may have gotten a job yesterday, I go in today for a three hour interview training thing
Baker square kitchen right by my house, so i can walk or bike there (not that i have a bike, or exercise, but im hopeful)

it was funny cuz the day before I had filled out like 10 applications for different places, took me like 2 hours and then the first one i go to hand in the lady is like what kind of job you looking for? I said anything and we talked a bit and im going in in like 45 mins.

I have become egotistical and obnoxious, and I have been hurtful to some of those who are closest to me.. and I try to hide it.