Thursday, December 17, 2015

3 am thoughts

You could become a street performer, a volunteer, a clown without borders, a teacher, a janitor, a tutor for English learners, a protester, a writer, a blogger or vlogger an actor, a radio dj or podcaster.

You could stop fighting your body and start considering its strengths, train it, grow with it, breathe and yoga pose with it. 

You could march in the struggle, and just be a member. One of a million that mattered because together they made a million instead of one. Lost in a sea of humanity instead of always trying to stand apart.

Where your gifts meet the needs, but what are all of your gifts? And which needs are you open to?

The world is yours.

I was talking to my boss today about her other job, the business she wants to start, and all the road blocks she has run into.
Who do we want to work with, where, why, how will we make it work, who do we need to deal with in order to do it...

When I was working at my old school there were a bunch of bullshit things we had to do, but in a lot of ways we were encouraged to either treat them that way, or to find ways to not do them(figure out a better way). This meant that you could focus on and enjoy the very challenging but meaningful work instead of despairing over the bs.

In my life, things have usually just worked out. Big decisions were anxiety producing, but eventually lead to breakthroughs, opportunities would be presented at the right moments etc. a lot of this had nothing to do with me, except maybe I was prepared to say yes, or maybe I had been working on the skills to follow through. But the opportunities were usually just gifts. 

I feel stuck right now. It's ok, I can learn to accept the low level input:output, I am enjoying the time off, playing computer games and writing...
But I feel very disconnected from passion, from reaching out, from the desire to act and to open my arms to people... And I hate that. 
I hate that I don't know what to do with my lack of openness. I can't pry and push, I don't want to.  
I want to find something that seems hopeful and jump, but I don't see any green light opportunities... And it makes me very aware that much of the world operates this way daily, that life feels devoid of meaning and oppressive this way for many, that opportunities aren't given to most, that doors are shut and it's hard to pry them open when you'll just have to deal with a new set of locked doors on the other side.

I am angry that our world traps us, instead of freeing us. It would be so easy to make life better, and we have decided hardship is somehow the state of the world and reinforced it by choosing locks and fear. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

There is a certain comfort in walking, in walking in freezing rain, in feeling the wind pass through your clothes, in the dampness on your head, in the blurryness of wet glasses that block the view, in drops of ice that melt down your face, a certain invigoration, a certain adventurousness, a certain calling of old, a handful of memories, a handful of desires that claim you're not having a good time, a certain set of lies that make the world seem magical, blissful, comforting, a certain amount of truth. 


A person long absent, is absent and getting more absent in my dreams, while I try to make excuses for why I'm staying on her couch for the first time in years.  And we are all worried, even the landlord who questions is wondering where she is going. 

Wednesday, December 09, 2015


At work tonight I was chatting with a couple coworkers. We talked about ourselves and other people we were associated with.  I was struck by the way my coworker seemed so similar to the way I've perceived myself in the past, it was a strange haunting, a curiosity and confidence about people, a shared nature (that I often feel detached from now), but though I was envious of the desire to get to know people, I was also struck by the shallowness of it. Getting to know someone, like a trophy. A collected person. 
And there is that in me too. I also want to collect people. I also want to think fondly on my collection.

And yet, there is a distance now. Walls that seem natural and permanent. A disinterest, a forgetting.  A push back where once I might have constructed the bridge. 

And also there is a desire to be that for someone, a piece collected. To want to be known. 

I've been thinking about the "date" I had recently. How disinterested she seemed in me, how it was easier for her to go on about her own thoughts and interests than feigning interest in me.  And I can understand that, its the other side of the same coin. In either case, protecting. I ask myself why I turn the tables and ask questions. Is it humility? Is it curiosity? Is it just that I want the person to really care, if they are asking and its easy to prove they don't if they don't push? Is it that I am bored with my life and don't have an interest in the mundane things I could share?

I've been dissatisfied. I don't know what I want, or where I am going. I feel like I am already dead, and I have to choose a new life, but none of them sound interesting. 
I want to figure it out, but I don't really have the time, space, energy or connection I want in order to do so. 
The thing I want from Grad School: regardless of the subject,  is a time to think and process, a community of people in the same position, a period of growth and change accompanied by others in the same spot. 

Why don't I ask my friends? Because they are not in the same spot. 

I am surrounded by opportunities, that don't seem interesting enough. 

I think I am special. 

Sunday, December 06, 2015

Meeting new people

Before going to meet  "C" i felt a weird mix of nervousness and excitement and also a "you've done this a million times" it's normal kind of feeling. It wasn't just my head reminding me of that, it was a felt reaction.

When she sat down I didn't get up to meet her, it felt weird like we were already planning on being friends not romantic. And that's kind of how it proceeded. Not an interview, but I asked questions, she responded. I shared a little but I didn't feel like I related entirely to a lot of what she was saying so it was more just listening and trying to understand. 
Her background and choices. Her mistakes and attempts to make them better.  Her interests and why... 
We batted around a few societal issues which was fun. 

With more time I could imagine it being much more mutual, growing a shared experience. 

She didn't look me in the eye when she talked, she often looked away, both when she was talking or when I was... So I didn't feel connection. I guess it was a lot of her thinking, and sharing it.

When she mentioned certain places, specifics, she looked at me, almost like an invitation.

When I was younger I would have attempted to be more empathetic to her situation, but as it was I became more reflective - because she had obviously spent a lot of time processing it all.

Overall I was really impressed with her insight into her own life, experiences and reactions. I've met very few people who have dealt with a lot and been able to deal so well. 

But she was also really aware of the distance that causes between herself and others. Which was kind of fascinating.

Shared interests, but not chemistry. I guess that is how these things sometimes go. 

Sunday, November 29, 2015


I've been reading the Ram Dass book "Be Love Now"  which is part memoir and part spiritual teachings. At the point in his life that he is writing from, he describes most of his spiritual beliefs through the relationship with his guru, who is projected as being very Christ like. Always loving and serving, not trying to build power, but acting on each person is subtle ways.

Its funny how it makes Christianity more palatable for me.  The idea of Christ as a guru, an enlightened, or almost enlightened person who is simply trying to help others get to that point makes a lot more sense to me than what Christianity has become. In fact the words he uses are almost interchangeable with the words of the Hindu teachers.

Ram Dass writes that because everyone comes to his Guru with a different set of karmic baggage, they all perceive him completely differently. They talk and gossip about the Guru, exchanging stories and rumors to try to understand him better. They also all walk away and teach differently based on their own perceptions. So Ram Dass describes how he spent much of his time immediately following his first trip teaching about love from an ego based perspective, he simply wasn't ready to actually feel the love and reflect it from his heart. He could talk through it consciously, and connect to it on that level, but it wasn't until much later that he was able to open his heart, and also to teach from the heart.

He also describes how early in his own devotion, he was obsessed with the physical form, the physical presence of his Guru, but later he and others, almost preferred to be separate because their senses wouldn't be so demanding. They were able to understand and reflect the teachings better when their senses and desires weren't interfering.

Sometimes when I am reading it, I desire the relationship he has with his Guru. A loving mentor who plays many roles. Other times I am irritated with the writing because (as he interpreted it at the time) he is so obsessed with the personhood of his guru, that it feels he has forgotten the truth of the teachings. That is to say, his Guru is only his Guru because he is reflecting the love and oneness of God (the universe, etc). So when he writes over and over about the Guru, I keep imagining the man, instead of what he means, which is "God reaches out to me through this image."

Other times he clarifies, that his Guru acted out of love, because he was able to see everyone else as God (as well). He was simply reflecting like a mirror the oneness, love and compassion that is the only truth. His Guru was able to see the reality, where as everyone else was caught up in the delusion still, his job was to subtly lead them to their true self.

One of the metaphors that he uses I found particularly helpful. He describes the oneness as the ocean, and when you think of yourself in the ocean, the ocean can be brutal and beat down on you. It wants to dissolve you into it and once you are a part of it, it will be blissful. But because you see yourself as separate, life can be painful, disappointing, exhausting. The Guru then acts as a guide to help you melt back into the ocean.

He describes though that it is very tricky. Our egos cling to our form and the meaning we make of things and experiences.  We bring a cup and ask for the ocean, we want it separate. We want to hold our holy moments in our hands, so we can reflect on them, become nostalgic for them etc. Like holding on to our memories of an event rather than just living out the love of the event infinitely.

I've been thinking a lot about how I feel so separate from other people. I also feel separate from parts of myself, parts that I look back and see existed, but I've forgotten how to access. In eastern religions, I am still that, but the illusion that I am not is what causes me suffering, causes me dis-ease. It is my ego, and the fact the I cling to these disillusions that keeps me from being it, and yet... there I am.

In church this morning I was thinking of running out a little early. There is a part at the end where you hold hands with people and sort of share a blessing. It always makes me feel good, but also like most hand-holding, leaves me feeling nervous.

Its strange how much anxiety I have interacting with other people, especially considering within my belief system they are not separate.

Sometimes when I walk around the lake, I envision that each person I see is the face of God, its a lovely little walking prayer, that sometimes centers me in that love...
But I am easily distracted. I yearn and desire. I reach and question.

A few weeks ago I got excited to go back to school. It felt like the right path. Now I am questioning again. Part of me wonders if I should leave the country again. Part of me wants to be isolated and learn how to deal with myself... become desperate until I need to reach out.

When I think of the best of myselves, I hardly recognize them in me currently.
I want to feel good about myself in the way I interact with others... but I just don't feel called.

I am not wrapped up in love the way I feel I should be. Nor do I feel capable of asking for it. Nor do I feel a desire to ask anyone...

Its a strong illusion.

I wonder if this is why I feel called to Shiva and not Vishnu. The compassionate ever present sustaining growth and love, versus the much more eventful...

Sunday, November 22, 2015


In the dream it was like I was meeting aliens. There were two of them, it felt strange but not entirely uncomfortable... They were friendly, like seeing cousins you haven't see in a long time. 

When I saw the first one, I thought it was the only one... I wasn't yet aware of the other. The other had a had on or something, maybe this one did too, and when it revealed its head I saw that it had two ears sticking out from the top of its head. 
It wasn't unattractive, they were long like a mix of a bunny and a cat, and they wound and twisted and seemed to be able to move on command or instinct. At first they seemed so natural that it made me think that this was the normal state of a person... Then I noticed the human like ears on the side of their head and I was again reminded of what humans look like: if this was a human, it was a different kind of human, the shape of the ears took on a different fascination, aesthetically I wanted to understand how they fit in. I wanted to know the physiology that shaped them... And t was while I was talking to the alien like being that the second showed up. 
This one also seemed fascinated, but as much with me and the other as with its own adaptations....
It took off its hat, and it's forehead changed, opened up, revealing its "third eye" which instead of looking like an eye looked like a sort of void with a fluffy fringe protecting it. 
The alien was not disturbed by it, but sort of remembering that it could do that... Like  "oh yeah, this happens."

It's a funny set of images...
I remember wanting to spend more time with them, I was fascinated and a little disturbed. 

I woke up and thought that they should be characters in my novel, but now that I'm reading spiritual stuff again it makes me wonder about characteristics I'm developing in myself, what am I acknowledging, pursuing eye?

Am I listening? An I seeing beyond?
Will I pursue that? 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Reconnecting with the heart

Sometime recently I made this decision to try to reconnect with my heart. To open up and let it emote and care again. I am still shy and introverted, still sure that it will not help me to reach out for some unknown reason... but its been locking itself away for years now and that sucks.

So far i've just been a little more aware of beautiful things, a little more touched by songs and good dialogue and good writing.

But I hope that one day I will be comfortable enough in myself to share my positive and negative thoughts and feelings without having to triple check them every time. To be comfortable enough in my own skin, and trusting enough in my relationships that I can be open and honest, compassionate empathetic and loving.

I am hoping that this reiki stuff along with my renewed interest in eastern religious concepts can help me with this... I am hoping that getting more involved (mctc in January, potentially grad school in the fall, going to church etc) will help bring a sense of community, or roots here that i haven't felt in a while. I think I am going to commit to the twin cities. Other places appeal, but I don't have a calling, or a real longing to go. I want community and since I've had it here in the past, and I am aware of the place... maybe I can have it again.

Making friends is hard.
Loving people is hard.
Trusting people is hard.
Caring and giving are hard.
But they're worth it.
Without a little challenge, life seems colorless, dull and dismal.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

In the Middle

I just got a weird email from my Mom basically asking why I never want to hang out.
My Dad gave me shit this week for prioritizing a friend's concrete offer to hang out over his non-committal. My boss sent out a text saying we haven't been smiley enough at work. I just had a conversation with a former co-worker who is still in the middle of it all, he was trying to prepare me for some of what I might experience in Grad School.

I think I am going to sign up for a Masters in Social Work program at Augsburg. I still have a lot to figure out, but work is not fulfilling. Writing is hard to concentrate too much on, and I don't see myself forming a community here or having a reason to stay if I don't get involved in something new.

Might have to take biology at mctc, maybe a spanish class too. Why not?

Its hard to be in the same physical space with people who aren't in the same head/heart space.

I don't know what to do about that. Investing in myself has meant getting further away from others...
that wasn't the goal, but as much as I am concerned about it, I don't mind not feeling ashamed of myself for not fulfilling these crazy expectations I used to have of myself.

I am annoyed with writers block. I have some scenes I am working on that just don't feel right... and its hard to move on to something else when you're already feeling disappointed with what you've done.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Just a thought

When a girl likes you, she can touch you, even when you tell her to stop. She thinks it's ok, because she isn't doing any harm, right?

I get irritated with women really quick when they act that way. I do my best to not push that limit with them, and within reason I try hard not to be too defensive. 

But it's a weird double standard, and is there really any way to say "stop I'm feeling violated" in the moment?

I haven't always respected that line. It's one of the most troubling things I've recognized about myself and my actions.

 I also wouldn't ever want someone to feel as guilty as I've felt about it. 

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Who are you becoming?

Went to Church today after a strange morning that I will describe shortly.
Church was good, but again I felt like it would have been better Spirit of Truth style. There was something really good about SoT that other services seem to lack. The things I like about the UU Church is that it doesn't trigger me, there are no or very few words that cause that "I am not comfortable with this" feeling. The music is pretty good too. I like the sermons a lot, but though they are incredibly well written -again I feel like they are a half step. The minister is doing the work alone, instead of doing it with the people. Perhaps its just the nature of being a former teacher, always wanting the facilitator to step up and facilitate.

I had the same reaction to the opposite behavior this week at a discussion following a beautiful movie. The facilitator basically said "so if you want to be a part of the discussion, now is the time..." and then shut up. She gave some final thoughts, and responded to different people, but she didn't lead it.  Since we are already on the aside, the movie was called Pride and it was about a group of lesbians and gay people in England who decide to stand up for and raise money for a group of welsh miners. This is during the Margaret Thatcher crack down in the 80s. Both groups grow and change, inspire and challenge each other. It was a beautiful, moving, funny and yet serious film. Totally recommend.

Back to the UU...
The sermon today was about asking the question "Who are we becoming?" (individually, societaly etc) rather than asking the question "What should I do?"   The minister gave examples from his life, dealing with his kid (comforting in the night is an opportunity to bond), dropping labels and fear to become friends with a prisoner. One of the readings earlier in the program also dealt with this concept, the professor was testifying in beautiful prose about how she had lived her life professionally(formally) but it wasn't making her feel the richness of her work (or her own spirit), at the request of her students she allowed the wall to drop and became the teacher she wanted to be. If it had been a SoT thing, we might have had some good conversation about our lives based on this question, instead I am writing here.

This morning I rather dramatically threw out my go to line "What am I doing with my life?" which is a statement/question I say quite often even in seemingly benign situations E.G. my papers are disorganized WaIdwml?, I am hungry and can't decide where to eat WaIdwml? and also in the bigger cases like today.

I awoke terrified. Someone had entered my room in the middle of the night and was coming towards me! Totally unexpected situation. I am used to a cat jumping on the end of my bed, but a full human making their way at my face while I am trying desperately to hide in my thin sheets -this is the stuff of nightmares!
She - (yeah strange women are also scary in the middle of the night), seemed to be drunk, was mumbling something and it occurred to me that perhaps this was my roommates girlfriend.
For some reason she decided she needed to sleep in my room , which allowed my fear to become confusion and as her statements became even more strange, eventually I became rather angry.
It was the middle of the night, this woman had invaded my private space, AND was sleeping on top of the kinds of things I'd have removed if I were inviting guests in... which she acknowledged  "Why am I laying on top of a plastic pouch (capri sun)?" "whose glasses are these?"

I'd already launched myself into the door way so that I could interrogate her from across the room. "Does he know you are in here?"  "What are you doing?"  "Where is your home?"
I got no answers that were clear... instead it was a lot of (drunken?) poetry and metaphors and often I wasn't sure she was talking to me at all, more like she was restating the question to herself in order to visualize it.  "Why am I sitting on someone's glasses, keeping them from seeing? funny how thats the exact situation..." 
Now I was confused and angry, but I was also totally still asleep and couldn't really decipher anything, so instead of kicking her out (I still didn't understand the situation), I just left.

I went and complained on messenger to Jesse, and then began looking up apartments, then (at Jesse's suggestion) masters programs and places in Seattle. It felt like a last straw, like why am I doing this to myself...I've been complaining about my living situation, my lack of money, my general discontent with a bunch of stupid (easily fixed) bullshit.
If I had been 20 and a drunken girl stumbled into my dorm room at College, I'd have thought that was par for the course, but to be dealing with this... why don't I just get my own apartment?

But as the time went on, I started just feeling sorry for her, for them, for whatever. I got a few less hours of sleep so someone who obviously needed it could get some rest. Who knows...
later when I returned to my room to grab things to shower she'd vanished and I started wondering if she'd ever even been there. Was this a ghost? (had nightmares about people coming at me in bed before) Was she the one giving me the message that I need to move on?  As I showered and prepared to leave the house, I desperately hoped I wouldn't run into either of them. I wanted to believe instead of some strange craziness that reminded me of too many bad times, that this was instead a vision. A spirit come to tell me to move along.

Who am I becoming?

I've been battling with that question for years. When I was younger my entire world was based on being seen as dependable, there for people, comforting and empathetic. Obviously that hasn't changed too much in the extreme cases, but in the day to day I've become increasingly vacant. I neglect my friendships, I leave the country, I pursue the things I want to pursue... and if you aren't part of peoples' lives than they can't depend on you... and I thought that I wanted that, I wanted a different Mike.  
I do want that, to an extent. But I find myself missing being part of a community, being part of a larger whole, where people play roles and go back and forth. Where its not independent or dependent, its both some of the time, and it doesn't matter because there are others around if you aren't.  That's what I actually want.  And part of the problem is that over time I have decided I don't want it alone. I want it in the context of a relationship, I want a partner who balances me and who I can balance too. I want that relationship as central, and surrounded... and I want it to be meaningful both personally and socially. I don't want a partner who thinks I am amazing and that's the end of it. I want one who encourages me to be amazing, and draws me into places I'd not think to venture.  And I want that before I exhaust myself again trying to help people. I want to help, I just want someone to have my back too.

People been asking about the coffee job, about whats next...

The other day I was walking around the lake trying to see people's auras. I can't see colors, but I see shifts in light at the edge of their form and trace the people and sometimes radiate. I'd never tried to do it before, but now it seems really easy. While I was doing this, I decided there are still things on my list that I'd like to pursue. One of them was to be a healer (more mental/emotional than physical). I've been pushing the idea around a bunch in my head... it seems like a path worth developing, and though it seems like hard work, time consuming, sometimes a little dismal... I don't immediately feel the sense of aversion that I do from other things right now. My mind/body/soul has recovered a little, and this seems like a pursuit that would allow that to continue AND give back. To continue the work I've done in the past, to create connections, and teach, and help... but without as much personal burnout (at least that I know of).

I am in the research stage and nothing has jumped yet...
but things are starting to come together, and instead of feeling the cynical -very familiar selfishness that I've been feeling, this is starting to feel like someone I want to become.

I want to write my book, learn spanish, and guitar, paint and maybe perform some poetry... all of these are pursuits I need to continue, but I also need to be part of something, or I'll lose all my muses and passions all together, which is not acceptable to me.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

2am thoughts

It's that time of the day that I always spend awake,  wishing I wasn't, never productive but with countless thoughts running through my head. 

At first it was about various types of spacecraft and quantum physics(curtesy of a video I watched before falling asleep). 

But now I'm thinking of all these women in my life and their choices around men.  

Moving too quickly, never moving at all, choosing men who can't be their equals, or seeing their partners as better than themselves.  

It's interesting how our choices relay our way of seeing ourselves so clearly. 

How we are never quite comfortable with good fits, because they don't actually ease the discomfort we create in ourselves... Not easily at least. Far easier to find someone who fits the idea we've created than the reality.

So we contort to make ourselves more like them, or hold a jealous gaze, or trust their idea of us but never raise our voice, or convince ourselves it will be easy to leave, or hold ourselves at distance. 

None of it for a better relationship, none of it heals our wounds... Just prolongs them.  And maybe if you find the one with the right baggage and the right attitude, you can push and pull eachother through it all... The unhealthy can become something more stable, given time. 

But most of my friends are cynical about other people's relationships/marriages... And in some cases, despite the lack of acknowledgement -it shows in their own.

I'm not different to this. When I regard my own relationships they were unhealthy, not very balanced. Perhaps this is why I assume my friendships have been a better use of my energy than failed romances.  

Although I've been reconsidering myself as a friend these days, I still understand that in general I met my friends as equals. Valued them that way at least.  Not pedestals and distances. Not feeling like I was better than them somehow...
But if I'd been in a romance with any of them... It makes me shudder almost. I don't see healthy avenues that direction. Maybe it's my own inability to see good fits for myself, or maybe these decisions were the better course. 

Sunday, October 18, 2015

It was a day.

Got a new computer today. There is a nice feeling of "things are possible with less hassle" however at the end of the day, a new toy doesn't make your world all that different. I hope it doesn't become a new distraction instead of a tool. 

Went to first universalist church today. Went to the information session after. Considering joining. I liked the vibe, though it's hard to compare to sot. After the sermon I thought, now would be a great time for a break out session. But at this Church they do that in circles that meet later in the week. I am hoping to join one.

Considering a new career path. Not sure how ready I am, but I have some ideas.

Did very little writing this weekend. It was supposed to be my 4 days of badass kick it in gear writing weekend... Instead it turned into a bunch of other things. Overall I am both pleased and not pleased by the results. 

Time to get some food. 

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Feeling the casual purposelessness of my new life.  The last few interactions I've had with folks have felt like misses.
Saw a movie by myself tonight and it made me feel guilty for spending the money. 
Gonna buy a computer tomorrow likely so that I have more things to distract myself. See how long that lasts...
It's cold and feels like winter could come quick (though the weather report says no). 
I don't think I'll find a human comforter for winter, so I'll probably have to go dig up some more boxes from my brothers place. 
There is a desire to move out, and a masochistic side that's says I don't deserve it. 
I started the day wondering if I could escape to Antarctica. I'm not sure it's a bad plan. 
No idea what I'm doin

Monday, October 12, 2015

I wonder if there are jobs that don't require a little asscovering (not literal), I've found that my job is sometimes a series of slight shifts from the truth: which is annoying. It's not so much that I don't want to tell the truth, I just don't want to get it trouble, and don't want anyone else to... And it's funny to be reduced to a teenager like that. 
Walked around a bunch today with a friend. She made it very plain that I could have dated her if I'd ever asked, but she was trying to confirm that I am loveable, in that way, if I wanted to be. 

It was interesting because she was also frustrated with me, almost scolding me for never making a move, and what that meant in terms of the way I've chosen to be her friend and not her romantic partner. 

I got a little emotional, like sad that I've chosen to deny myself a lot... But at the same time I knew that I was also just responding empathetically. I wasn't interested in that way, so I didn't act. If I'd made the choice to act, we'd likely not be friends today. 

While we were out I was stealing looks at other people. Curious about them. I was staring at beautiful things and taking them in. I was listening and responding to her, but also in my own world, and that too validated for me the choices I've made. 

But it leaves me wondering what I'm looking for, whether I'm actually looking at all, and to what extent I'm honest with myself about it all vs people pleasing. 

The fall colors were mesmerizing. Beautiful paintings all around.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

The late night shift

I've been closing everyday at work. Things have been ok, but I feel like I am not living up to the expectations, despite positive feedback. It's hard to balance the "right way" to do things and the easiest way. 

After work I usually walk home and have a large meal. At work I haven't been eating much and I think this will become a problem because by the end of the day I've basically had 25% of my calories or whatever... And my body wants a ton!  So I pig out, then pass out... And that is not good. 

I usually wake up at like 2 am and can't fall asleep again until 4 or even later. 

It's irritating because I am not using the time well.  I basically surf the Internet looking at things that make me feel lonely and make me question myself but give no good answers. 

My body is not happy with the high amount of crap I put into it, so it's usually full of acid at that time as well, which is u comfy. 

So basically physically and emotionally I am not doing so swell but my mind is wide awake and racing. 

I am happiest when I feel accomplished. Or when I have a companion. 
And right now... Yuck. 

Monday, October 05, 2015


Lately I've been deluding myself about dating. I'm on both the sites again. I have  fantasies of meeting people, but I am as picky and lazy as ever.

Some days I walk around and think there are a million positive opportunities, and other days I feel very lonely and wonder if perhaps I am doomed to stay that way. 

This weekend I saw lots of people and got very little accomplished on the book. 
I did send a copy to Maddie.  I also bought a printer last week so that I could start doing some paper editing when I have time. 

It's already 11. 

I feel like my expectations are low, but should be lower, in regards to all the things I want in my life right now. 

Friday, September 25, 2015

What ta do

Been enjoying this song for a while.

I find that each verse has me considering a different life question and I love it.
Although in the song he has conclusions, or seems to imply the questions are more like statements "I will be light". I find I am continually coming back to these questions.

What does it mean to be free? To be part of a community? To love someone? To serve God? or... I guess how do you be light?
and all this considering we have one tiny moment in life to shine. 

This week I've been particularly caught in the first few questions.
I worked Sunday through Thursday with the intention of Writing on Friday-Sun (this coming weekend) before next week's shifts. On most work days I am exhausted after work and I get home right around dinner time and want to just do nothing... but this week I had the opportunity to catch up with some friends, and I was looking forward to that. So a couple of the nights I went out for dinner with some homies and had a good time, even though I was reluctant to take it further into the evening. But as the week went on, I found more people reaching out to hang out this weekend, and my potential time to do some writing seems to be shrinking.

So I've been running into this thing of how do I justify protecting my writing time?  If my normal day doesn't allow me to connect too well, and most people can only hang on the weekend, then how do I ensure I see people and also have some time for writing?

Furthermore, why is the writing important?  I am writing a book, but where is it going, what will it be, is it important? to who? why?

If it is just for me, then why is that important?
If it is for others, then, is that an act of love and how do I justify it?
Is creating art justifiable if you can't show the outcome regularly...

anyway... I don't think I really have this figured out.

But in my head, I need to spend this time... and I find myself willing to cut out time with people I care about to get it done. Its weird.

Or maybe I am really less caring than I used to be?
I don't know what that means. 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

The school dream

Sometimes I have this dream in which I'm back in high school, but it's different school, new teachers etc.  the building is always the same, I'm aware of the location of the offices, and vaguely aware of the location of my five classes. 

Sometimes I'm an adult returning to school for some unknown reason, like a college thing even though it's very obviously a high school. Sometimes I'm a teen. I'm always struggling in three of my classes.  One is chemistry, another math, and the third is art class. 

 The math and chemistry teachers always look disappointed to see me, they usually humiliate me at some point in the hour, and the other students think I'm stupid so by the end of the hour I am so crushed that I don't go to art class.

My attendance gets worse in all three, I am failing 3/5s of my classes and it always makes me want to drop out, which is why every time I'm back I am so behind. 

I just had the dream. 
This time I was walking down the halls, excited to go to my next class until I walked in and realized it was chemistry with the teacher who hates me.
I was asking myself why I had to be there, trying to hide in the back. The other students were already engaged in the material, having fun, enjoying their learning and interacting with the teacher in the way I would love to, but they never gave me the chance. I was trying to figure out how many days I skipped when a new activity was happening. 
It seemed like some kind of role play, and my name was on one of the cards. This time it wasn't math or chemistry related it was like a psychology experiment and I was excited because I thought it would be something I could finally do right.  

The teacher explained the assignment too quickly. She wasn't clear about the objective. She didn't prepare me because she wanted me to realize that by missing class I had missed out on the right way to do the assignment so she let me flounder. 
After the demonstration I was on the spot and my confidence vanished. I was eager to answer, to please them, but I didn't know how. I asked to clarify what I was supposed to say, I said I was ready to respond but wanted the specifics 
of the answer. The teacher wouldn't help, I tried again to clarify, to ask for help in a way that said "no i can do this, but I just need a little more help" the other stents took her side, they started complaining that I didn't deserve the opportunity. That I was the joker who hadn't prepared again. 
The humiliation killed me. I walked out of the room crying, throwing a fit. 
My next class was art. I wanted to do something right, but after missing so many times I wasn't sure if I was really welcome. I was alone in the halls, feeling sorry for myself, and it felt like an empty city. Like I had returned to this place of community and been humiliated until I left. 

It's funny how sometimes in the dream I am an adult.  I am aware of the ridiculousness of the situation during the event. I am saying to myself I don't have to do this, I've already proven myself but in the moment when I don't understand, when I'm feeling embarrassed I am a kid again. I run from the room because I  feel like I'm being bullied. I don't return for days or months because I am scared. 

I woke up and my first thought was, would you be scared right now? If you had to take those classes would you be scared? And the answer is yes, but not enough to stop me.  My brain was suddenly my adult self again, capable, confident. I went from crying in my subconscious to planning consciously.

My next thought was why I was having the dream. Is it because of my little brother who is afraid to finish college eve cause of this type of situation? Is it because I feel guilty that I didn't prepare for something or I've been skipping something? Is it because I know I've probably been the teacher who humiliates a student who hasn't prepared and I'm feeling guilty? 

Was it just a dream because I hadn't set an alarm? 

... No answer. Something to think about. 

Friday, September 11, 2015

Since asked

People been wondering how I'm doing. It's an interesting question. Sometimes I feel very positive, optimistic and energized or relaxed enough.
Other times I'm subtly depressed, not dwelling or particularly anxious about one thing, just moody, completely the opposite of the other times. 
I can't tell what the difference is, it doesn't seem to have to do with food or sleep or the weather or anything. Sometimes I notice when I don't have official work it's a bit harder, but other times I get really into my free time. 

I can't really tell what is what. I'm not sure if I can trust my senses or thoughts when I'm in one of those moods. 

But I ask myself what I want and other than what I have there are really three desires. 
I want to complete these projects so that:
I can find a more suitable and meaningful job, something that gives back. But I only want this when I've completed my own shit. 
Two I want a better living space. Somewhere clean, modern(read not falling apart), with people around who I like.
Three I want a relationship. I'm disatisfied with my day to day mostly because I don't see any progress and won't make any changes to make this happen. I haven't met anyone I've been super in to.  And I'm too shy/ unwilling to make a move for the random... So I feel very lonely, even with friends calling. 

I've been having dreams of separated friends. Pete shows up a lot, so does Becky. It's interesting because my relationship with both of them is the opposite, Pete is always casual in the dreams. He's like a helper, always around like when we were growing up- rather than the reality of being very far away.  Becky is always on the fringe, half hidden, sometimes she says something, sometimes it's nice other times cutti or mysterious. Even when the dream isn't about her I feel pulled gravitationally to her and usually when I wake up I wonder why she was there. 
The egocentric part of my mind says that means I should reach out to her, maybe she needs help. But I think the reality is probably more like I need help, and my mind is sorting through the people that have been anchors in my life, and saying where are they? 

I don't mean to complain. I've got good friends here, but I'm gonna go right back to the situations that I was in when I left if I don't do something different. 

And yet, my mind is wondering where the familiar is...

Sunday, September 06, 2015

Dreams and memories

I was doing nothing when she burst through the door. Not exactly welcome, but not unwelcome. She jumped back into old routines immediately, including the one where she was upset and I would calm her.
Which is what she was asking for.
It was a poem I had written that had upset her. I couldn't remember all the lines but had the vague familiarity I have with all of my pieces, I knew when it was written and who it was written about, and my task would be to explain it.
She was upset, angry and scared. Because I couldn't remember the words, I wasn't quite sure what she wanted addressed. It happens often that some line I've said is mistaken for something else, I was wondering if I had feigned being suicidal, or if I had described her in some unkind way. 
She kept saying the title, as if that would remind me of its content, but I wasn't quite sure. I offered to go look it up, to break it down. 
I invited her into my whirlwind of a room. It wasn't just messy, it was living in chaos, but this too felt easily 
explained besides she'd seen me in worse, we lived this way for a time.

I looked up the first few lines of the piiem and felt clear that this was all a misunderstanding. I was trying to help her see,but she was erratic and then ran to the door.
At the door was her friend, a large light skinned black man who clearly had played football. He was acting as her protector but he wasn't aggressive, just concerned. We talked and I offered to go get him a copy of the poem so he could see the misunderstanding. He said he'd like that. I was explaining to him on the way that it had been a break up porn, overly dramatic and written from a place of wounds. He seemed to understand that. 
While it was printing I scanned the lines again and roughly at the same time all three of us came to the conclusion that this wasn't the right  piece.
He said demonetizing about it being 17-18 pages long. She was shouting in the background, but painfully like grieving cries. And I swallowed hard

I woke up to heavy rain or even hail on the cabin roof, along with lightning strikes . There weren't any other sounds and almost nothing was visible.
I couldn't tenement the name of the poem though it had sounded so familiar in the dream. I had been reciting the familiar lines but hadn't remembered the whole thing. 

In my fear, I wondered if this was the moment I died, and whether the poem was all the things I'd leave behind. Whether she was upset because so much of it would seem negative in comparison to the positive, and I wouldn't be able to explain.

Or if the poem was some longer collection titled after that poem. I've often considered writing a poetry book, and assumed that an entire section could be poems about her. 

A third thought for consideration was that she was in trouble. We haven't talked in forever, I've basically written her off and for the worst reason. I wondered if I was supposed to make contact, to reach out and check in. 

But with who? In my dreams she doesn't always represent herself. I've had numerous dreams about other people where she stood in as the symbol. There area at least two people in particular I could think of. 

And so I tried to get back to sleep, thinking about the various things, wondering what had lead my brain to them. She's been showing up a lot lately in my dreams, is that because I've basically returned to a college age?  Is it because I looked at pictures last night from the last 5 or so years and considered the people I've loved? Is it because as has happened before in being subcojnsciously signaled of something happening? Is it because I'm worried about or jealous of  friends, in their relationships with big tall protector type men who may want the best for them or may be isolating them from me. 

There is no internet access here so I was looking at pictures and reading old stories. The last 5 years were amazing and also super disheartening. 
My life seemed on the rise, on track, etc.
There were events and shifts that made it feel less exciting and more like growing through the motions, but I enjoyed the people I was seeing to the extent that I could. 
I think I was grieving far more than I wanted to admit and then I ran away. 
In my pictures I also looked at videos and photos from my first trip to Guatemala. This time I became ready eyed, not for that abandoned mishap of a trip, but because I lived there. Missed it. Missed the people and the place. 
I will probably never live there again, probably never get to show anyone around pointing out the daily sights that now seem so meaningful but at the time became so ordinary. I won't have breakfast at Danny's or San Martin with Courtney. I won't eat at the sushi place with Sara and Anna. I won't see movies with Keva. 
I never properly grieved.  I never grieved the changes in my life, always gritting my with and moving forward. 
I miss all the people I've loved, I miss the loving part of our relationships, and now if I met up, we wouldn't fall into old routines because that was a different age, and everything is different now. 

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

The anxiety of being a barista is starting to fade. The repetition dreams are alternating with dreams of characters I've been working on. 

I've run into students at work and while out walking.

I've met up with some old friends, and found myself repeating old patterns.

I've realized that I am surrounded by interesting and talented people. It's made me proud and self conscious. 

I've been lonely. Wondering how to find someone to come home to. 

I've been sleeping poorly and getting 10,000+ steps a day either through walks or just working.

I've not been eating very healthily. 

My room is still not out together and I've realized part of the reason is that I haven't full committed to living here, but I'm
Making no plans to move soon.

I'm wondering how to be satisfied, knowing more time will pass than I'm comfortable with. 

Monday, August 24, 2015


Dear former and future self,

Its a lovely Monday in Minneapolis. The wind is out but so is the sun leaving the temperature somewhere around heavy long sleeve weather. Its about 1 PM and I've been settling bills and looking up bank accounts. Tomorrow is my first actual shift at Dunn Bros MCTC location. They say it will take a few weeks to get up to speed, to have the rhythm of the place and to flow with my coworkers. I like the people I work with so far, they are all very chill and very nice.

I have been spending way too much money at Target. I've been spending like I need everything and last night I got a little worried that I wouldn't know how to stop. My bank accounts assure me that I am still within reason, but when I do my budget I am looking at major deficits.  There is just no way to make $1000 or whatever I will be making, work out for all my bills.
The apartment is basically half of that, insurance and various bills another quarter, 50-100 for gas each month, books and entertainment another 100 at least. I am left with almost nothing for food, nothing for extra expenses (a bike? a new computer? art supplies? a class?). These are all things I imagined I would be getting, and perhaps that is part of why I am spending so much now, its like I don't want to admit I have to budget yet and I am trying to get every little thing in before the big wham.

 I've also been having a hard time disciplining myself to work on the things I am "giving myself time for." I haven't picked up my guitar in a couple weeks, haven't been drawing, barely been writing. I have been watching a show I don't really like on Netflix and going over my OkCupid account with little to show for it. 

The last few days the stock market has been crashing and to me it reveals the ridiculousness of relying on the gamblers for future earnings.  I've considered getting another job, but as of now I haven't really done any of the things I wanted to do with my time off...
So I am facing this crisis in my head, the question being -do I use all my time to work? (meaning I might be able to pay my bills and not worry about the money stuff so much, but might also be stressed and wish I had more free time) Or  do I relax and assume the free time is good for me, push through and try to make something of it? (meaning I will be stressed about money, and anxious about the reality that I really don't know what I will make of it).

The other day I saw the billboard with the lottery numbers, the sign said something regarding having the money to pay for your dreams. In the car I divided the money this way.
Assuming 20 Million
1 million for future family issues * like parents retirement.
1-3 million for property and investments (stuff that will help future family if I ever have one).

5 million for investing in the environment
2-3 million for an arts center/performance space/coffee shop
3 million for progressive leadership training
3 million for a school.
2 million for philanthropic start ups. 

Its interesting how this kind of thought experiment can show you your priorities.
There is a piece of me that wants to worry less about financial stuff, to know my family is taken care of. My Mom says my Grandpa had a philosophy of savings, stocks and property, that between the three you'd always be taken care of and be able to pass the wealth on. If you are going to be rich, might as well make it last a few generations.

The biggest issue I can think of right now is not police brutality, or even human rights, but rather the environment. I just don't think anyone is paying attention to how fucked we are. I don't really know how 5 million could help, maybe investing in solar/wind projects. Maybe just trying to get the word out. Jesse has been part of this group called "less meat less heat" and though I am personally living it up off the animal farming industry, that is obviously in great need of reform. Maybe it would just be money for urban gardens and farms... who knows. In general though it feels like if humans don't realign ourselves with the environment and the ecology of the places we live, we will die.

I think the Arts Space and the School are similar. I want spaces that I can invest my energy and creativity, and I want other people to be able to do the same. I think these things could have huge impacts on peoples lives, so why not spend money on them.

Leadership and philanthropy, These are both ideas to get the money to have the biggest impact outside of my personal investments. Empowering others to create and transform their communities, teaching them to lead and empower others. I think that in the long run these things would probably have the biggest impact.

Why am I writing this?
I am wondering whats next. Ok so I take 6 months or a year off. I can afford to work a part time job or a minimum wage job for awhile and get by, but that isn't what I want in the long run. So what is?
Do I want to be a teacher? A professor? A community organizer? An activist? Do I want to run an arts program? Do I want to do none of this?

I just don't know.

A couple people just asked me where I wanted to go next... my answer is that I want to go somewhere, or do something that I am excited for, and I don't know what that is yet.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Chilling at an overly loud Spyhouse on this windy Sunday afternoon. I woke up sick, then went back to sleep until 11:30 or so and then went for a Calhoun walk.

I've been trying to organize my thoughts and activities, which don't allot to much.

Saw American Ultra last night with Illy. Entertaining bloody movie.
Moved into my place this week. Considering documenting the place. Its weird and random and dirty and organized all in one.
I have no blinds and stare at the people making food in their kitchen next door. I am far too comfortable with voyeurism.
I started training at MCTC this week and it seems like its going to be a rush. People talk about not having time to relax there, and say it helps the time go faster, but I was looking forward to having conversations and random thoughts. Maybe 20-30 hours a week is all I want.

I think Jesse might feel I am being needy. She has finally got her shit together and now I'm bugging her for attention. Just a few months ago it was the opposite.

I guess I really dont have the capability to think clearly right now. Its too loud.
I am worried my book project is too much. Just too many things to keep track of.
Oh well. Its 5 and im getting hungry so fuck off, Imma get some food.

Friday, August 14, 2015

The day before the wedding.

Yesterday I got to Estes Park and chilled in town for a bit before walking to meet up with the others. 
Watched shooting stars and caught up a bit with the boys. Had an edible which didn't kick in till I was sleeping. 

I've been thinking a lot, getting nostalgic, not necessarily for childhood, I'm glad we are grown and moving forward with our lives. Zach's baby is adorable. Pete and Susan will probably have one of their own soon. I'm proud of them. I like who they have become even if I feel a little distant, like a good memory from the past.  I'm here as a root, maybe not a branch to the future, but certainly to the past... 

But I'm nostalgic for love, warmth, the feeling of giving and receiving. Of enjoying so thoroughly the presence of another person. 

This whole week has been full of these kinds of thoughts. Of being happy and proud and wondering about the way forward from here.  We never had it figured out and things turned out ok, but somehow I still want assurance of the future. Will the next chapter be as special? As warm and loving or is that a thing of the past, come to fruition and now slowly shedding away with a bit of intoxicating perfume?

Monday, August 10, 2015


Three days in to the Colorado trip. 
The first day we stopped in the badlands to do some hiking, then met up with my uncle and went on another hike in the Black Hills. It was a long day in the car and we were pretty excited to move around a bit. 
The next day we went from the Black Hills through Wyoming and down to Colorado. Got in a hike before heading to our hotel in Avon. 

Today we woke early and went white water raging on the Arkansas River in Browns Canyon. Beautiful scenery with the canyon walls and the collegiate mountains in the back.  Rafting was more fun than I thought it would be. It was the part of the trip I was most worried about, and now if someone asked is probably be down to go again. Unfortunately I didn't have any caffeine and developed a wicked headache that won't go away. Also after three days in close proximity to my family I'm feeling irritable and introverted. 
They went for a hike and I stayed behind to do laundry and walk around the small town of Avon. 
Not as clear headed and creative as I'd like to be right now. Bought a Fitbit and met my ten thousand steps... Not sure how accurate it is considering I didn't have it on all morning. 

Thursday, August 06, 2015

Day 3 of work

My feet hurt and the longest shift I've worked is 3.5 hours. Tomorrow I have another three hour one. 

I have been working on drinks, recognizing the abbreviations for each drink, which milk, which preparation, which syrups/sauces, whip or froth?

That sort of thing. My steaming game still needs some work, though I've now steamed about 30 drinks. (That is a rough guess). I've  made almost every type of standard drink from lattes to icecremas, mochas to nirvanas, brewed coffee to ice tea. 

There are still a million things to learn. Like I still don't know where anything is in the store. I don't know the computer. The food.  How to bake stuff. The extras. I've been assured those are all the simple things that come later once you have the drinks down. 

Everyone is being generous and lovely with their support. I read the training guide today and noticed we skipped some things but we were pretty far through the list. 

I still feel a sense of panic and anxiety about it all. I am sure at some point it will be like muscle memory, but right now it's a difficult push through my brain on almost every step - which means I can multitask like the other baristas can. I don't think there is as much urgency at this location as I am feeling internally, but the few times it's gotten busy it felt like an incoming storm. 

It's strange how separate my worlds feel. Jodi will ask me questions about outside life and I'm just trying to stay focused.  
Yet yesterday it was nearing 9pm and I was so deeply into the story I was writing that I didn't want to pry myself away to go home and sleep. 

It made me happy. But my bills will soon be piling up if I don't start writing at home. Oh also I should be moving into the Minneapolis place when I get back. 

Tuesday, August 04, 2015


Yesterday I spoke to Mel on the phone for a little under an hour.
She is also transitioning back, and the guy she was dating (who she assumed she might marry) just broke up with her. She hates her job. Life is in shambles and shes broke. Of course there are things for her to look forward to, accomplishments and experiences she has that give her a boost, but what do you do when you're stuck?

Yesterday was my first day as a barista. Well lets put it another way, yesterday was my first day of steaming milk to the point of explosion. Yesterday was the first day I needed to do laundry real bad. Yesterday was a day in which I started the old "holy shit I have a lot to learn" anxiety. 
I watch baristas all the time, and they get into a rhythm, they learn the craft. So why do I assume it will take me forever, or I will somehow be the worst? Jodi is very positive. Its nice. Tomorrow I work with the boss boss, and the assistant manager who will be leaving. They will likely be less positive and more orderly in their approach. Might be helpful. 
I don't know how long my shifts are this week. That is part of the apprehension I am sure. Its also not helpful that I have been waking up so late lately. 

I got netflix two nights ago. So far I watched the entirety of the new Wet Hot American Summer series which was silly and had great music,  and the Swedish version of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo which I didn't particularly like.

Guitar has been going better though I don't play for very long. One of the main reasons I think it is going better is that I have this cool tuner that I just keep on and it helps identify the chords and notes I am playing. Its the visual verification that helps my brain process the sound to the gesture. It makes it more fun.  I wonder if there are guitar teachers who utilize these devices for that purpose, it also makes me listen to music differently. I listen for the strumming patterns and try to identify the chords. I am not anywhere near good enough to say "thats an A" or anything, but just to recognize the chord changes is helpful. 

We are going hiking in a few days, then Pete's wedding, then nothing for a while. I am nervous about both. Actually I am nervous that I will be nervous and won't be able to enjoy them, which is funny. I wonder if I should be on anti-anxiety meds, or have like some emergency ones. I could be one of those people. A pill for a date, a pill for a new job, a pill for a party/wedding/event. I could be one of those people.
I am hoping to move into this apartment, otherwise life seems more difficult. 
But once it is set up... back to boredom and routines. So I'd like to establish some good ones.

So what will my good routines be?
Today as I was walking around the lake I considered purchasing a fitbit (since my entire family has them) or at least a pedometer. Then saying basically I can't go to bed until I get my 10,000 steps or whatever it is. This is all while I am nervous about the swelling in my left foot. I noticed while buying shoes that I couldn't even fit my old sizes because I need a little extra room for the left one. This doesn't seem good. 
I would like to figure out how to keep my weight somewhere around the current weight. I look at pictures from the winter a couple years ago, and I'd really like to not get that heavy again. 
Playing guitar.
Making room for more writing, waking up at a decent hour and just assigning myself some pages might work.  

My confidence is lower than it was even a week or two ago. 
Not sure if that is new job, or lack of routines or what.
You know some people don't reflect like this.  

Sunday, August 02, 2015

The Summer

I've been sleeping in later and later. Something about unfinished business drags me back to the pillow. The dreams are little sun beams reaching in all directions, anxiety and love and excitement and fun and work.  Old friends and new meet me in my dreams, and without a task in my waking life, it seems odd to reject them. 

Friday, July 31, 2015


I've been home for a week, it feels like less because it's all been so rushed or maybe because I didn't have a car the first three days. 

Yesterday I walked around Lake of the Isles in awe of how beautiful Minnesota is. I was walking super slow, casually thinking my thoughts and singing my songs, I was walking with my eyes closed allowing the sun to smudge images on the back of my eyelids, I was unafraid and happy. 

I was thinking how perfect a non humid day can be. How easy it was to relax into familiar surroundings, and trying hard to not spoil the moment, but to remember that it isn't always this way. 

Opportunities have been flying my way, due in great thanks to my mom who has been making connections for me. 

I'm starting at Dunn Bros next week. 
I may have a new place to live before I go out of town next weekend. 

I may have a second job, or some opportunities for teaching or for the future, lining up. 

Everyone wants to help, doors are open, they assume it will be fine.
My expectations are not high, but they are in the cloud of happiness. 

I've told people I will take stock in January or February and see if I'm staying. 

I had moms guitar re-stringed. I've been playing 2 or 3 chords. 

I've been reading a book.

I haven't had access to my computer yet so I'm not writing, but I feel like everything is going too fine. Too easy to melt back into a life where privilege and connections and a good background seem to be guarantees... And I'm happy.

Monday, July 27, 2015


I'm home and stuck without a car... I may be over exaggerating but I don't want to find myself in an insurance battle, so I'm trying not to drive at all.  

My mother's house is welcoming, but not home. I have no things and no access to get them, so I'm mostly moving between my bed and the couch in te living room playing on the Internet, researching or reading.  

Yesterday I saw my brother, and illy. 
Today I have been stuck inside.
I applied to two jobs, and already had 1 phone interview (she is a friend of the family). Got a follow up for Wednesday. I am more interested in the other job, but this could be a way to meet people and see mctc campus more. 

Potentially having both jobs would help pay the bills. 
I've been looking at that more and more. 
I knew taking a break from a career path would be a little rough on my finances, but considering I will be starting over completely with new furniture, new wardrobe, new everything... Well let's hope I can take advantage of back to school college stuff. 

I've also been looking for apartments.
With the exception of reading and seeing people, and walking a lot I've done nothing along the lines of my actual goals... But maybe when I get settled the creative projects can begin.  

Saturday, July 25, 2015

New Beginnings

I was hanging with Lyda last night and while attempting to talk about the projects and hobbies I hope to start/continue I said that they are sort of like teen dreams I never accomplished.

A cd- let's make it a tape of recordings... and then I can hand out Walkmans for people to listen to it (so exclusive)
A book - let's make it something obscure and science fictional so that no one is interested.
A painting - let's put it on a website or hang it in a small coffee shop gallery near the bathroom so no one will look... 

And after that maybe I can get back on a track where I care about the world in a meaningful way, a way in which I desire to contribute to the solutions.

But until then I don't want the responsibility, it creates a pool of dread and resistance somewhere in me, very similarly to when I was a teenager. 

So new beginnings, yes but also quite familiar.

Woke up at 7:20 to go for a walk with my Dad, he slept in accidentally. I am le tired. 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

transitions suck

I am far too robotic for people.
I was on the phone with my old coworkers, one sounded super out of it. Just not sure how to console or assure people when I am leaving again. I am so excited for the next thing, and yet once again all these people are reaching out to me. Asking. Doing the thing I tell them to do, and I rarely do because I don't know how. But I have nothing to share except the thoughts in my head and they can already tell I am stepping out of the boat.

There is a definite downside to this whole having close relationships but wanting to adventure thing. I am caught off guard by the image that other people have of me, and how close they hold it to their hearts.

I feel like I am letting them all down. And part of me just wants to hide. Like... is it possible to just pretend I left already?

I'll hang out with Illy and my parents and tell everyone else I am already in Guatemala.

Sunday, January 04, 2015

Goals and updates

Well I can finally log in to my blogs again.
I suppose I should start updating them.
Here is a boring post, just thoughts on goals...

It’s funny how when you are in the middle of a transition asking yourself what you want every day becomes such a normal monotonous task. What is the best case scenario? What am I willing to settle on? Which opportunity should I reach for? Where do my interests push me? 

I broke up with Jesse, sort of twice now. There isn’t really any possibility long term there, and I know that, but I love chatting with her daily. I love seeing her face, hearing her jokes, and though I am still attracted to others, I have no other crushes, no other people are calling to me in the same way she does. But love? Is there something more out there?

I am applying to jobs, looking for jobs. The first round is out there and I am not sure whether I should continue or wait to hear back. Many of them won’t even receive the emails until tomorrow. Tomorrow I interview for one company at 7 AM. Considering waking at 5AM get a shower in, and some coffee. Maybe review some old TEFL terms to throw in. 

What were my other goals? 

Stay in shape… that’s been a bust so far. Minnesota weather is so limiting. Even now I am wondering if my aching joints are due to the weather. My wrists are irritated with typing and my tooth is definitely in bad shape. Might end up investing in a new tooth. Probably gaining  weight.  All around speaks to a need to leave or find some healthier routine. 

Spanish?  It’s nice to dabble, hear a bit spoken and understand. Hard not to sneak a few words into conversations. Will need to head somewhere directly south to learn more. Applied to Mexico, Ecuador and Guatemala. At least put that out into the world. 

Music and art, nada.

Grandpa video, nothing yet.

Writing… somewhat decent. Probably kept to the first 15 pages thing,  but some of that was job applications. Just haven’t developed a routine. Feel a little too far away from my normal coffee shops... and I can't seem to wake up and go to sleep at normal times. I would ideally like to wake up at like 8 and start work at 9. Crank out some writing by the early afternoon and then do something else with my day. 

Reading, read one book, another couple slowly being incorporated. 

Seeing friends?  Yeah actually. Pretty simple, still got a handful to go, but made some plans and contacts. I am sort of surprised how easy its been. I found right away that I had nothing to say, but slowly I feel more like a person. With more contact I can be updated on people's lives and start to be a friend again. I went to the zoo with some of my college friends. That was actually really nice.

Have I accomplished anything with this?  
Not really.  

I am home. I am preparing to leave again. I don't know where. I have thoughts about random places in the world. I think priority goes to Latin America, but after that its just whatever sounds good. I don't know when the best time to leave would be. I am hoping some time in February so that I don't feel trapped here. I am still very aware that I am not grounded here. I don't have a house to return to. My stuff is scattered. I have no routine and haven't looked into jobs here or anything.  I like most of the seasons here, but winter is even worse than I remember. Its not so much that I feel overwhelmed by it, just that it keeps me from feeling healthy. I never thought I would be a person who wants to be outside all the time, or exercise or whatever... but I am feeling a lot of cabin fever and its 2 degrees out. 
I need to clean my room and maybe buy a desk. Open some windows or bring in a fan.
I am trying to save money and yet trying not to stifle my standard of living. I think it is more important to stay active than to save money. I can make money later. 

Life still feels full of opportunities. When I get rejected from a few of these jobs, then the reality might creep in. I will be forced to take a job in Dubai or China.  I don't know which one I am more afraid of. 

Any who... I better do some real writing.