Monday, August 10, 2015


Three days in to the Colorado trip. 
The first day we stopped in the badlands to do some hiking, then met up with my uncle and went on another hike in the Black Hills. It was a long day in the car and we were pretty excited to move around a bit. 
The next day we went from the Black Hills through Wyoming and down to Colorado. Got in a hike before heading to our hotel in Avon. 

Today we woke early and went white water raging on the Arkansas River in Browns Canyon. Beautiful scenery with the canyon walls and the collegiate mountains in the back.  Rafting was more fun than I thought it would be. It was the part of the trip I was most worried about, and now if someone asked is probably be down to go again. Unfortunately I didn't have any caffeine and developed a wicked headache that won't go away. Also after three days in close proximity to my family I'm feeling irritable and introverted. 
They went for a hike and I stayed behind to do laundry and walk around the small town of Avon. 
Not as clear headed and creative as I'd like to be right now. Bought a Fitbit and met my ten thousand steps... Not sure how accurate it is considering I didn't have it on all morning. 

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