Sunday, February 22, 2004

monkeys r us

Friday, February 20, 2004

I dont really know what to say, im sort of weird right now, but uh i should say what i been up to. So lets see its been almost a week. Last friday night we went to st. cloud to see nick howard and that was cool. Got to see some of his art work, even talked politics and revolution for a bit. that night me and becky watched a movie, and chilled.

The next day i saw gabs and elizabeth which was really nice, but i sort of felt like i was being a little bit mean and depressing and too talkative. They seemed like they had fun, are doing stuff with their lives and shit. nice to hear from em. that night me and becky went out to eat and watched some more movies. it was valentines and i had gotten her some stuff, including flowers where i met a really interesting lady. she stressed individuality. I figure i got that in my bag already or if not then at least been through it.

sunday i went out to lunch with chris d who seems to be getting his life together one day at a time but doing better. it was nice to talk to him though we didnt have much to say.

tonight we saw the vagina monologues a nice entertaining way to hear and see some of the stuff we talk about in my women studies class twice a week. becky had a hard time with some of it.

Kristen played and it was wonderful, though didnt sound the same, she was singing mostly higher pitched songs. really amazing, i was smiling a big ass grin. i couldnt tell which songs were her's, i thought the last one sounded like a song tim wrote many years ago. she was really funny, and the crowd loved her. its so nice to see her do stuff like that, its beautiful, its the stuff i've been wanting her to do for years and she seemed excited to do it, so thats really great.

its been a really weird day. discussing violence and horrible crimes, and hearing some good and some horrible stories, even though i have heard them before (read the book twice)

hmmm i still dont know what this feeling is, a seriousness and a sadness. knowing and wishing for better

Friday, February 13, 2004

I often have things i want to talk about but lack the excitement or whatever to do it. this is a problem. I like being a chill person, being comfortable, being relaxed and forgiving when necessary, but i do not like the other side of that at all. No energy, no explosions of feeling. rants but not as often as should be

Thursday, February 12, 2004

there is a video game character with the same name as me, so i will never be famous. if u look up my name u get video games.
we're all in the bathtub now making bathtub gin

i been reading michael moores dude wheres my country, its a little bit more boring and repetitive then im used to from him but it seems with many authors stories end up sounding alike.

Im purposefully not doing my reading right now...

hey u wanna hear something mean i did? well helped to do. so there is this cool cat named troy on my floor, but troy is a bit of a nerd and actually hes quite selective of who he will date, meanin he hasnt had a lady yet, until this week. So they are in there and as we casually pass by his door (its just slightly open) the lights are off, the smooth music is in the air, and we hear what sounds like um me making out with my arm. so anyway we all start laughing, and then i remember the reason i bought that orgasm key chain (it makes noises like a woman having an orgasm) and we decide to attach it to his door and hit the button. Then we run and hide, cuz we are little kids and its like 2 am, and we are being stupid. anyway after hiding from troy for like 20 mins and letting him cool down, i finally tell troy it was me, and then we play halo together. Yeah thats anti climatic.

uh lets see what else, to ills and aimee, i hope this lauren thing is getting better. es a hard life sometimes.

pig tails are the ultimate hair do.

valentines is coming up, we are gonna go see nick (dj how odd) howard on friday, we use to write poetry together and he drew me cool pictures on my yearbooks. kids mad cool so hopefully tings will be aight.

hold me closer tiny dancer

Friday, February 06, 2004

and if u feel the way i do sugar, come on come on, lets get it on...

i highly recommend yahoo launch for all ur music computer listening needs

tim mentioned a little while ago that all those sites are dead and will never live again, so i will probably change that eventually

its discussion day, i skipped two of my classes and uh we may be going to planned parenthood later, (no reason, just fun) yeah thas right we get bored