Tuesday, August 04, 2015


Yesterday I spoke to Mel on the phone for a little under an hour.
She is also transitioning back, and the guy she was dating (who she assumed she might marry) just broke up with her. She hates her job. Life is in shambles and shes broke. Of course there are things for her to look forward to, accomplishments and experiences she has that give her a boost, but what do you do when you're stuck?

Yesterday was my first day as a barista. Well lets put it another way, yesterday was my first day of steaming milk to the point of explosion. Yesterday was the first day I needed to do laundry real bad. Yesterday was a day in which I started the old "holy shit I have a lot to learn" anxiety. 
I watch baristas all the time, and they get into a rhythm, they learn the craft. So why do I assume it will take me forever, or I will somehow be the worst? Jodi is very positive. Its nice. Tomorrow I work with the boss boss, and the assistant manager who will be leaving. They will likely be less positive and more orderly in their approach. Might be helpful. 
I don't know how long my shifts are this week. That is part of the apprehension I am sure. Its also not helpful that I have been waking up so late lately. 

I got netflix two nights ago. So far I watched the entirety of the new Wet Hot American Summer series which was silly and had great music,  and the Swedish version of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo which I didn't particularly like.

Guitar has been going better though I don't play for very long. One of the main reasons I think it is going better is that I have this cool tuner that I just keep on and it helps identify the chords and notes I am playing. Its the visual verification that helps my brain process the sound to the gesture. It makes it more fun.  I wonder if there are guitar teachers who utilize these devices for that purpose, it also makes me listen to music differently. I listen for the strumming patterns and try to identify the chords. I am not anywhere near good enough to say "thats an A" or anything, but just to recognize the chord changes is helpful. 

We are going hiking in a few days, then Pete's wedding, then nothing for a while. I am nervous about both. Actually I am nervous that I will be nervous and won't be able to enjoy them, which is funny. I wonder if I should be on anti-anxiety meds, or have like some emergency ones. I could be one of those people. A pill for a date, a pill for a new job, a pill for a party/wedding/event. I could be one of those people.
I am hoping to move into this apartment, otherwise life seems more difficult. 
But once it is set up... back to boredom and routines. So I'd like to establish some good ones.

So what will my good routines be?
Today as I was walking around the lake I considered purchasing a fitbit (since my entire family has them) or at least a pedometer. Then saying basically I can't go to bed until I get my 10,000 steps or whatever it is. This is all while I am nervous about the swelling in my left foot. I noticed while buying shoes that I couldn't even fit my old sizes because I need a little extra room for the left one. This doesn't seem good. 
I would like to figure out how to keep my weight somewhere around the current weight. I look at pictures from the winter a couple years ago, and I'd really like to not get that heavy again. 
Playing guitar.
Making room for more writing, waking up at a decent hour and just assigning myself some pages might work.  

My confidence is lower than it was even a week or two ago. 
Not sure if that is new job, or lack of routines or what.
You know some people don't reflect like this.  

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