Friday, July 31, 2015


I've been home for a week, it feels like less because it's all been so rushed or maybe because I didn't have a car the first three days. 

Yesterday I walked around Lake of the Isles in awe of how beautiful Minnesota is. I was walking super slow, casually thinking my thoughts and singing my songs, I was walking with my eyes closed allowing the sun to smudge images on the back of my eyelids, I was unafraid and happy. 

I was thinking how perfect a non humid day can be. How easy it was to relax into familiar surroundings, and trying hard to not spoil the moment, but to remember that it isn't always this way. 

Opportunities have been flying my way, due in great thanks to my mom who has been making connections for me. 

I'm starting at Dunn Bros next week. 
I may have a new place to live before I go out of town next weekend. 

I may have a second job, or some opportunities for teaching or for the future, lining up. 

Everyone wants to help, doors are open, they assume it will be fine.
My expectations are not high, but they are in the cloud of happiness. 

I've told people I will take stock in January or February and see if I'm staying. 

I had moms guitar re-stringed. I've been playing 2 or 3 chords. 

I've been reading a book.

I haven't had access to my computer yet so I'm not writing, but I feel like everything is going too fine. Too easy to melt back into a life where privilege and connections and a good background seem to be guarantees... And I'm happy.

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