Saturday, October 10, 2015

The late night shift

I've been closing everyday at work. Things have been ok, but I feel like I am not living up to the expectations, despite positive feedback. It's hard to balance the "right way" to do things and the easiest way. 

After work I usually walk home and have a large meal. At work I haven't been eating much and I think this will become a problem because by the end of the day I've basically had 25% of my calories or whatever... And my body wants a ton!  So I pig out, then pass out... And that is not good. 

I usually wake up at like 2 am and can't fall asleep again until 4 or even later. 

It's irritating because I am not using the time well.  I basically surf the Internet looking at things that make me feel lonely and make me question myself but give no good answers. 

My body is not happy with the high amount of crap I put into it, so it's usually full of acid at that time as well, which is u comfy. 

So basically physically and emotionally I am not doing so swell but my mind is wide awake and racing. 

I am happiest when I feel accomplished. Or when I have a companion. 
And right now... Yuck. 

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