Sunday, October 18, 2015

It was a day.

Got a new computer today. There is a nice feeling of "things are possible with less hassle" however at the end of the day, a new toy doesn't make your world all that different. I hope it doesn't become a new distraction instead of a tool. 

Went to first universalist church today. Went to the information session after. Considering joining. I liked the vibe, though it's hard to compare to sot. After the sermon I thought, now would be a great time for a break out session. But at this Church they do that in circles that meet later in the week. I am hoping to join one.

Considering a new career path. Not sure how ready I am, but I have some ideas.

Did very little writing this weekend. It was supposed to be my 4 days of badass kick it in gear writing weekend... Instead it turned into a bunch of other things. Overall I am both pleased and not pleased by the results. 

Time to get some food. 

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