Tuesday, September 01, 2015

The anxiety of being a barista is starting to fade. The repetition dreams are alternating with dreams of characters I've been working on. 

I've run into students at work and while out walking.

I've met up with some old friends, and found myself repeating old patterns.

I've realized that I am surrounded by interesting and talented people. It's made me proud and self conscious. 

I've been lonely. Wondering how to find someone to come home to. 

I've been sleeping poorly and getting 10,000+ steps a day either through walks or just working.

I've not been eating very healthily. 

My room is still not out together and I've realized part of the reason is that I haven't full committed to living here, but I'm
Making no plans to move soon.

I'm wondering how to be satisfied, knowing more time will pass than I'm comfortable with. 

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