Sunday, April 20, 2008

Mike went to a concert last night at First Ave. These two wonderful groups were performing Doomtree and The Plastic Constellations.
Both groups were awesome!
Mike regretted not bring a camera.
It was The Plastic Constellations "final" show.
It was also their cd release party for their new album "We Appreciate You" which you can hear some of at their myspace page. They threw cardboard weapons into the crwod for their hit song "lets war" which im pretty sure i posted lyrics to on here a long time ago.
Mike lost his hearing (slightly---lasting) in this ear:

And also in this ear.

It is a little worrisome as Mike has a family history of hearing impairment.
(8 earrings for those of you counting, used to be 9. wouldn't mind more, but have to get a job)

The Plastic Constellations have always been an incredibly nice and tremendously exciting band. They will be missed but by their own admission "with so many friends, were bound to last till the end, were bound to start it again, till the end till the end." So maybe they will not be gone forever.

In other news, thanks for commenting so much!!!
but I hope you all know you don't have to be anonymous, I pretty much know only 4 people read this.

Um I have only applied to one job. I think thats all I'm gonna do before I go to Morris... get this shit done, and then start the next project right?

I hope my hearing improves... I used to go to so many concerts and it always got better...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WHen will you be in morris?