Thursday, April 17, 2008

This girl I dated once called me childish when we broke up. I took offense at the time, but isn't it funny how we age and realize just how childish we were?
And every age feels like you are right. not necessarily because you are enjoying that age, not because you are happy or have a hold on reality... but because by comparison to what had come were acting down right mature... and then after times passes... you realize mature would have meant never being at that point in the first place... but it also would have meant not having had so much fun. And you don't regret your childhood, you just see it as something you grew out of.
But I'm sure my Grampa and Grama see me as young and stupid and full of life and confusion- and I'm sure they are right. I just wish they would look in the mirror and see that they are too.

This series of photos taken at various times over the past 2 days shows my general moods.

kinda of concerned...and weird.

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