Wednesday, April 16, 2008

There is this job I really want, but I don't think I will get it simply because I haven't completed everything yet. I'm a little behind on things like recommendations, a license, etc.
I also haven't finished my lesson plans which I just e mailed a prof about.

I bought some cool books last night (or at least I hope the will be cool).

I apparently am at my limit on the mn artists webpage... which means I will have to start actually thinking about what I put on there and which to take off.

I am seriously considering getting a real website. My mom has one... I think its nice to have everything in one place.

I'm getting really excited about returning to Morris but I worry that being in Morris will keep me from getting a job here.

I was talking to my step dad about teaching overseas... I really think that if I cant find anything the chances of me leaving are fairly high... unless I decide to sub.. I also got into a weird argument type thing with Becky last night (while at target which is a story) about rooming with someone else.
She claims that we could live together. I think not. Not that I wouldn't want to, but that I cant you know... so I was throwing out all these ideas of people I could live with and she got frustrated with me -because she doesn't get why I think we cant live together.

So Target evacuated while we were there... thats the story. It was funny because we didn't even really notice. They were playing this "please evacuate" message and neither of us paid attention... so then I noticed everyone was rushing towards the door...
It was something stupid like someone smoking in the employee lounge or something.
They probably lost a lot of money.
The Barnes and Noble in Roseville is the best one... its massive, it has a used section, Italian people were meeting there to have discussions, there was a book signing... it was ridiculous.

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