Tuesday, April 15, 2008

So I was just looking at my art work and I think I have a real problem with A) realism B) depth in my work. I think the "depth" if there is any comes from foreground and background only... nothing that sort of ranges...
I'm trying to figure out if this is
A) because I don't have any interest in painting the way other people paint.
B) because I lack the formal training to do good work.
C) because I don't use the right paints to create the effect... like oils for instance seem to be able to do things that acrylics cant... and I don't use oils (because I don't know how).
D) It might just be because I still see the paintings as works in progress, where as when I look at other people's work I see it as a picture of something... my work is "me trying to paint" and so I see it in the 2d format that I painted it on....
E) probably all of the above.

This makes me think I should take classes again. But my mind wanders so much I have a hard time painting real things, or drawing real things, I get bored... I move on, I mix images that fit or don't sometimes just because thats what I was thinking about. Anyway, it makes me pretty self conscious thinking of myself as an artist... I mean I am an artist, but I just looked at like 30 other artists and some of them were really amazing... I don't know how to do that. I would like to include more realistic things in my paintings and keep my weird anything goes style.


Yumi Lover said...

I also use acrylics and get frustrated about not being able to do somethings that oils can do... I mean there are ways around it, but it still ends up not looking quite the same.

I like your style because they feel like you. That made no sense... I feel like I can see into your brain from your work and the ability to do that quite possibly trumps technical skill.

Anonymous said...

that was actually a really nice way of saying it. thanks

Anonymous said...

Since when have you ever wanted to do things like everyone else? Mike your style of painting and drawing is yours and yours only, and it expresses you, not anyone else. Picasso probably thought his paintings were crap and that everyone would think they were crazy... well, they are kinda, but look where it got him! And that was his style. And you have yours. Anyone else who looks at your art thinks it's amazing, so have some faith in yourself!

Anonymous said...

pssht -thanks miss. I think i'm sort of ok with it being my style... i just worry that my style kind of looks like a 9 yr old who can draw ok ... now paints... and i dont think thats a bad description. I mean i think its fairly fitting.