Thursday, September 19, 2002

So if I post like 90 things today and they seem to get ever crazier its just cuz I got little sleep, so because I was bored and had things on mind on the topic I sat down and wrote the final chapters to the "Nikki Story" which none of you will ever read. I started writing this story like in may or something because I was feeling particularly nostalgic and I had just fought with her, and I hated myself at the time, and she had been feeling very betrayed by the fact that I was sharing anything about her with my friends, who were just helping me deal. Not like I was really bad mouthing her or anything but I decided I should just write out the story and it would help me deal and it has, but I basically have only written 4 out of the 5 chapters and its missing number 3 which is the middle and longest chapter. None of you know what I'm talking about and you are all just going "ok Mike why are u telling us this?" cuz its important in my life, I'm still getting over first girl friend syndrome and because that coincides with loss of friend it was a little rough, not that i haven't had months to recover and wonderful friends to help me deal, just still I have to lay it to rest at my own little pace. Which for me takes awhile if u know me just think the mike f era or the dad thing or whatever. When I feel betrayed in loss I take it very harshly gets at my core issues as my mom would say. by the way fairchild is still one of the coolest chicas I know and I thank her for giving me a reason to get dressed yesterday or something. Sorry peace and love yall i talk to ya later

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