Thursday, September 26, 2002

And now if you will turn to number 151 in your hymnal(LBW)

Please share with a neighbor if you don't have your own copy. So I have had "Jesus Christ is risen today" otherwise known as the Easter song in my head for 3 days now. Thats fun, I mean its not the only song but it does drive me a little crazy. Second I have actually eaten breakfast 2 days in a row, and like at the right time too, that is amazing, I don't think I have done that in an unorganized setting in like 6 years. (Unorganized as opposed to like camp where they make you eat.) third yesterday I went to visit that friend at caribou and I don't think I said more than 30 words to her in the entire 2 hours so sorry for that if you're reading. (I was just enjoying all them other cats and she seemed busy)
So I was talking to this chica who works there now named Mary and she was telling me how she was involved with certain organizations and such, including one where her boss or something helps foreign (Political) torture victims get asylum in the US and I thought it was very strange that they would seek asylum here since it is our CIA and FBI who teach the governments of these nations how to torture the rebels that would overthrow them. According to several articles in the objector this sort of thing takes place at Ft. Benning. Anyway mad interesting, um also my new glasses make everything look funny, and I don't mean clear and visible I mean funny. Standing still everything is fine but the moment I start moving things pop in and out of focus. Its really quite fun but im not sure I should drive yet. Hmm Kristen it is possible I will be going to Morris tonight but I will call before I do anything, to see if its ok.
In other news 2 alien space craft landed in my back yard yesterday. This was rather surprising at the time, but when the aliens popped out and introduced themselves it was all good you know? So anyway if I start mentioning Zes-Cre-ll and Mods-Di-Sajk(pronounce that k) just know that they are my alien friends, good people. Have a nice day the count down is at like 9 or 10 I don't really know how to count countdowns.

There is nothing quite so cool as when the lighter makes sparks. Just try to deny it. maybe in the future i will write some interesting stuff

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