Saturday, September 21, 2002

It is 5 AM, I've had been sleeping all night but I woke up and was on an hour ago looking for all you late night party people whom I would assume would be getting back drunk as shit by 4, but none of you were there, so I made some food. And yes sadly though I have dropped the anger, I am still thinking about what could cause that guy to do what he did tonight. If you didn't wuite understand before, this man literally popped out of nowhere and decided to verbally attack an 18 yr old kid (me) while I was working alone in a mall, all of this in front of his family. The weird thing though is it didn't seem like he was doing it out of like recent hurt or anything it was just like being a bully, and the guy was like 35 or something. It was so weird, I was taken by complete shock because people have hassled and joked with me before but he wasn't at all. He was dead serious. It was like Mr. Ross popping out of nowhere with a soldier story only this guy didn't have the story he was just their to intimidate and show off. At least Mr ross would joke about it, at least he might have something intelligent to say or at least he would make something up, like the time during the clinton hearings or whatever when he told a group of us clinton was worse then Nixon, we were all like "um, yeah, right...." one lies about sleeping around, the other tries to help rig an election, oh yeah. Mr. Ross (super soldier) as we liked to call him was at least a good honorable guy most of the time. This guy did not seem to have that training. Hell I don't even know if he was in the army, it was one of several options that came to my head, along with maybe he had friends or family in the wtc, maybe he has friend/family serving, maybe he is just really racist. All of them didn't seem to be good reasons but under the circumstances I could see any one of them backing him up. I realize I still havent told you anything he has said but its really not important because all of it was shit and had I been feeling better tonight I could have easily made this man look like a fuckhead in front of his wife and kids, but I didn't first of all cuz it wasn't the right situation, second because he scared me, third because if he did have friends serving, or who were killed or injured I'm very sorry he has to deal with that. But seeing me not respond only seemed to make him want to say more. I was truly blown away. Sorry its just this wasnt some short political discussion, or some kid on the street who is pissed off, or some elderly man who fought in ww2 and is a little racist towards japanese people (not that I think its ok or anything) Im just saying grown man, with family, In mall, attacks the beliefs of random kid, for like 5 mins.
What the fuck??

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