Sunday, September 22, 2002

Some stuff to write about coming to you in 7's its like almost biblical or something

1. Yesterday was a good day at work, everyone got along the customers were good people, and people left with smiles. Tony ran around the mall looking for women he could fool around with, we all laughed a lot. Plus everyone had my back about the guy who visited the night before and like Aimee, said they would have just beat him up.

2. Last night me and Elizabeth went to a party at Jessica V and Jenny(i) E's house and that was good interesting times. There were lots of people there including a surprise visit from Sarah F, many cats with their own individual styles/images even if they didn't work on it everyone looked and acted different it was good times to observe. It was amazing cuz like half the people there looked like the actual real life versions of characters I have drawn, (cuz I draw a lot of long haired men with cool looks and such) and after a while I sat down with like 4 guys who talked about pot for like 2 hours, this included:
(Pete) the neighbor, a plumber from across the street who seemed to be very active in the legalization process.
(cool looking guy #4) he had locks like a dread though i don't think he was a rastaman, plus a goatee, he was skinny and maybe 5 and half feet tall, he was probably the most sober cat at the party besides myself but it didn't seem like he wanted to be, but this also meant that he could talk politics easily and he seemed to have a lot to say against capitalization and for the working man, and that was mad cool. I cant think of who he reminded me of but some character in some movie)
(the neighbors, people from upstairs)
one of these guys was drunk as shit drinking straight from a bottle of bacardi, but for the first half of the conversation he held his own except he kept telling us about how he and pot were not always good together, like maybe he had a history of being a lazy ass, then his roommate was this guy who didn't talk till like the last half hour of the convo (i think he was figuring out where he fit in and who we were, but much less drunk then his friend) anyway he also looked a lot like Erik T of Franklin Ave. and he seemed to be a very cool guy.
(who else) many cats popped in and out of convo or at least with me, like Mike S (of mad hatter, mu maker) he I never realized is quite a silly guy, he explained to me that he never really liked serious convo amongst drunks because no one could talk very well, and then when someone in the convo would say something like a drunk we would have a good laugh. It was good though, also Brianna H and Jenny E both pooped in at times, 2 girls I have had love for in my day. I dunno it was a good house good people,
I got to see Brent S(mad hatter)smile which is always good makes a bad evenin good again, and Elizabeth seemed to have a good time which is fun.

3. um oh I have a lazy eye according to the pictures of me in front of me(yup that sounded funny) err well maybe not lazy maybe one just looks off to (my) right a little bit more oh well also I have noticed that my head doesn't seem as wide as it use to.

4. Pete called today that was good times, Pete is best friend for all of you who don't know. He is going to school in CO he will probably comment on this post.

5. Public urination (which im a fan of) at 2 AM is a lot different then at 2 PM

6. Its very cold, stupid summer gave my body false sense of security.

7. last thing i swear, shit i forgot, ummm (Mike cant think of anything to say) oh yes I hate how 60 mins sounds so very factual in their reporting like once they do a story on it, it is set in stone. So apparently all of us are supposed to be ok with torturing "terrorists" just cuz they say some experts are, well as someone who has been accused of being a terrorist with in the last week, I say no, no torture.

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