Thursday, October 17, 2002

my night at the train station
I sat down in the train station, sat and watched people for an hour or two. A man sat near me, he at first acted aloof, untouchable, very much his own man. He was dark and mysterious, and quiet. If people asked him things he would mumble or groan something out. His friends came up said hi and walked on. This man kept giving me looks. For a long time I wondered why. I watched other people, people who belonged there, people who passed through. A small man who looked very boyish because of his size, ran through are sitting area and it dawned on me. I was in his spot. I was new, a new character for the assembly. These people were personalities at work, and my existence in or near his spot, disrupted his character. At first he did not know how to respond. This infraction must have happened before, but why should he change? His role was constant, he sat, he watched, he played his part. Now I, a new comer had challenged this role, and he had to adapt, his character had to change to meet the circumstances, and so, he offered me a sandwich. I of course declined, however the offer was there. I looked around and saw these characters in play, everywhere.

I wonder if everywhere we go, every place, every interaction is just one big scene. How well do we improvise to fit the scene. How often do we play a supporting role, how often do we steal the show?

Its about a mile to my hostel. Its cold out. I don't want to go back yet. I am waiting for Michael A to write me but i have no assurance he will.
My mom says she wants me to get a real job when i get back. like 30-40 hours a week. Its weird cuz i was already thinking about doing that, but now that she wants me to I don't like the idea. Rebel spirit crosses oceans. I walked for 10 mins to get to the Mcdonald's (the free public bathroom) I man stood there in a nice sweater and asked for 20 euro cents or whatever. I had to give him 50 cuz i didn't have change. That pissed me off cuz all day I have been telling homeless people i cant give them money (making me feel like shit) and then i give 50 cents to some dick who stands outside a McDonald's bathroom. Why cant the homeless get that job? There are like 50 McDonald's around thats 50 people. add burger king and kfc and pizza hut and all the stupid little places and we no longer have a homeless problem. Hostels for everyone.

I had 2 things to say earlier that got erased. Both from the airport this morning around 3-4 AM (i spent the night)

1. I amazed at how we value security. Like the security of knowing where we will be in 2 hours. I will probably be in my hostel in 2 hours, but maybe not. There is like a million things that could keep me from being in my hostel in 2 hours and yet i feel secure thinking i will be there. I get enormous comfort from thinking i will b safe and warm tonight. This is weird. This false sense of security has the ability to drive my day. I can be happy or sad depending on where i think i will be in 2 hours. Like with the work thing my mom wants, I feel depressed cuz there is a possibility i will have to go to work when i get home. Like a new work. So weird.

2 and this is a joke, actually like a cartoon but you have to use your imaginations. Its like a cartoon for one of those 365 day flip calendars things.

Image- man sitting on desert island alone, surrounded by water.

Caption- on the 65th day Bob had a revelation, he stopped looking around for people before passing gas.

That was incredibly funny at the Edinburgh airport at 4 AM

peace and love Taffy

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