Friday, October 04, 2002

"Can a ---------- get a table dance!?!"

Literally the worst quote ever, in the history of quotes.
So one day Jess and Jenn started thinking about pornography. Then they took it one step further (being smart kids and all) and started wondering about the differences between pornography and erotic art and things of that nature. Maybe they are closet sex fiends, or maybe they were just curious and felt they needed some way to make it seem less dirty (Like I would if it were a discussion) or possibly they are just far less dirty than me and really wondered what the differences between the two are. (most likely) So anyway they decided to deem this week "pornography week" and as part of this week they decided they would have to go to a strip club. So tonight was the night, and because they and Elizabeth were all going and I really wanted to see them again plus satisfy my own curiosities on the subject I decided I would go. (thats the subject of strip clubs, I know pornography and erotic art pretty well by now)
So I guess I will share my perspective of the strip club.
So I went into it in observation mode. This is the mode you people watch in usually, the mode you are in when you look into things you are interested in, but its mostly mental. So in observation mode I saw many attractive women in various forms of undress, a pretty decent building, and a nice friendly staff. The people partaking in the show seemed reasonable, not too drunk, not too obnoxious (for the most part) everything was fine. The girls(my friends) asked and answered many questions amongst themselves and seemed to be interested (if a little creeped out) I don't know how to describe the whole thing, I mean they had the flashing lights the loud music the birthday people getting their dances. The women didn't seem too into it but I mean they have long shifts (as we found out from interviewing one) Um I guess it wasn't so bad, it was obvious it was male fantasy fulfillment, and everything was sexual but in observation mode that can be ignored, its like seeing a woman topless on a nude beach, everyone does it so its not so bad. Uh the interview went well, though I know, not all of the questions we wanted to ask got asked. Uh she had to run back and do part of her job but she said they get paid well, and although there is some shady deals its mostly legit, dances money everything in the open. Uh they have long shifts and have interesting ways to get the girls working, and after a few hours being there seeing these women go up and down the stairs every 5 mins, do pole dances, walk around everything I mean it seems like a really exhausting job u can see why they cant smile the whole time. We also talked to a bouncer there who works as a male stripper, and he said mostly its just a job but I think we all agreed they must either be hiding or in denial about some of the consequences of working there. Uh this one girl came up to me and introduced herself, she looked about 19-20 and said she was from Chicago and a look in her eye could tell ya she was not doing too well. She told me she didn't like it here but kinda implied here like the state though (most likely she meant her current situation in general) I felt really sorry for her actually and she was really nice and I kinda felt like, this is a girl you could have a conversation with about just about anything in-between classes or something but um (with me not trusting myself especially as of late, I probably wouldn't get too involved)

Uh lets see I guess I can talk about what was bugging me when we left and still kind is. So I think, (from talking to guys and knowing myself) that in most cases guys separate fantasy from reality. At a strip club guys do only see sex (that doesn't mean they aren't respectful, but they are there for sex) However most guys can then go home to their wives and girlfriends and sisters and moms and daughters and nieces and say "this is a woman I respect and love and could never harm in anyway." This is why I think pornography is ok to an extent but only for that sort of use. If a guy can have his 3 second fantasy and then go back to treating every woman he sees with respect Its ok, im not saying the women at the strip clubs done deserve respect Im saying they know what they are selling and that is a fantasy. Obviously a job is not just a job, as the guy was trying to say, and their jobs do have consequences in their lives, but most of these girls will have the issue before they work there, and those who done will make enough money to keep their daughters from having to do it. So once again going back to the guys, uh hopefully they do not degrade the women there, hopefully they don't cross that line and start thinking they can degrade women else where (yes its a rough line which Im about to go into)

Uh me so yeah like I said eventually I got bored and started thinking sexually of these women (not to mention I mean they are beautiful its not all sex, but to an extent it can be how well they sell it.) arrghh so anyway I stared, I enjoyed a few shows, and I felt sort or weird doing it but oh well gotta be honest. However after further pondering "the line" or whatever I started thinking about how if the line is so easy to cross with just mental and emotional respect in simple friendships, simple relationships, then it probably also applies to physical ones. So if I hurt someone in a friendship, I am capable of doing the same physically sexually. There for once again I am not ready to have a relationship. Second I need to work on building that line up so that I dont cross it.

All this making sense? Comments I know some of yall got opinions on the subject. Anything goes its a talk talk talk fest. Its weird cuz I don't even know if I agreed with all the shit I just said but its what I got for now. Oh well sorry to bother you

"that's enough of the devil and his famous pickle, were gonna make another dramatic, if somewhat rickety segue into another song called "cruising for burgers" ~zappa

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