Thursday, October 17, 2002

I thought i might give yall a bit more to read in case that last part was too boring for ya. (not that this section will be better) Actually i was trying to get a hold of Michael so i might as well use my 24 hours of free Internet access.

So Amsterdam the big cannabis tet city, and it is too. I have na yet been in a "coffee shop" because i thought it might ruin the experience when Michael shows me one tomorrow but eh they look interesting and smell nice. The majority of people smoking on the street still seem to be smoking cigs though, which is kinda gross, but they do mostly roll their own here which is fun to watch.

I have been in a few shops which all sell the same things, paraphernalia, random shirts, mugs, shot glasses, flags, hats, posters, cards, and videos with pot and sex themes. As well as umbrellas (in a sec) and some tulip and windmill stuff for the grandparents.

Every few hours I find myself just staring at things noticing how beautiful the world is, the blue sky the white clouds, and then as if the weather is some how controlled by my own self hatred it starts raining out of nowhere. Ok its more like sprinkling but it has sprinkled like 5 times today. They last for like 5-10 mins and then you walk on.

I wish i had kristen or nikki here to translate some dutch for me, its not hard to figure out stuff (especially cuz half of it has a picture or english) but i think it would be funny to learn direct translations of stuff. This hit me in the candy store, what do they call candy necklaces?
A but more on the language though. The rhythm and timing and phrasing all seem very similar to english, so when you see someone from far away having a conversation you assume english, then you get near them and its gibberish.
The language is similar to german in that it isn't so beautiful.
However the people seem to be. The city is chill and nice, its a place a guy could find some lovin. And i think i will.
I went to a open market, non food market. It was pretty sweet and they had lots of cool lookin cats and some incredibly things to buy. The colors and patterns could make a guy go ga ga. Yes ga ga. Cool colorful clothes always make me wish i was a chica, so i could buy some sweet shit, and not get beat up for it. Amongst the dreads, and Indians, and Africans, and all sorts of people were some punks standing around in 5-6 person groups. They seemed kinda out of place with their large mohawks and such. I wondered if they followed the punk mentality (whatever that is) or if they just looked the part.

I went into a dentist office by accident, I thought the building (unknown at the time) was connected to the grocery store next door. It was not.

FOr some reason every time i get to a new hostel i think its really gross and creepy and untrustworthy. After a day or 2 i know its just a place, but still.

hmm i guess that is it, o yes, how does one say creamy peanut butter in dutch?

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