Friday, January 13, 2006

oh london

why arent you all that i dream you are?
oh wait... you are, and arent.. (why cant i get on facebook?)

I miss india kids already and its been a few hours, they are over the atlantic and i feel left behind, but things will be better when i get some sleep.

So london is cold and gray, and miserable and also amazing, and so much to see and overwhelming and it sucks that i cant be in a better mood and have less luggage to hall around or i would make the most of the 6-7 hours i got left here.
I was gonna rant for an hour but the truth is i still like this city, despite the cold, unfeeling exterior its amazing, i just need to share it with someone, and be rich.

hmm i guess not much to say. 4 papers to write, 3 by the end of jan, one by the end of feb, some plans in the works, travel, savings, writings, drawings, projects. missing cats looking forward to seeing krystin, feeling bad i didnt bring a gift for her or her family when everything was so cheap in India, (we looked just didnt know what to get...)

said goodbye in an odd manner, through video... since i had to go and they had to go to a transfer flight...

smoking weed and making money.

missing so many cats...
and cats as well word up zoe, fuzz, flakey...
I had a dream about fuzzy cat the other day and i think it meant things will be ok, either that or things will be fucked up but hes with me. Fuzzy is my guardian angel.

freaked out about some people the other day. maybe i should be on prozac, maybe it would make me calmer and less worried.
but maybe its just the stressful situations i been in, the culture shock the sleep deprivation the inability to express certain desires and the lack of certain others.
what the hell happened?

i turn 22 in like 2 days i think. word to your motha


Anonymous said...

I played the Cyrus game today and got 0.

Love you bro,

Anonymous said...

Hey mike,
I hope your having a wonderfull time in europe. let me know when you get to see Illy, I want you to tell her i say hello. If you get a chance drop me an e-mail and let me know how things are. I am just finishing up wintersession at school and cannot wait for summer.
Can u give me your e-mail address again please

Miss ya, and love ya lotz
