Thursday, January 19, 2006

4 to remember

1) Melissa (i really hope I havent been spelling this wrong all this time)
popped in yesterday on her way to London, and spent the night with us. We made stir fry w/ veggies from two different stores, used sauces we could not explain, and two woks, (one for the vegitarian) the other for me and krystin's family. I was worried we wouldnt have enough, but Krystin's brother didnt eat much, I dont think he trusted my cooking. Anywho it was aight, much fun, and I explained my frustration to them while chopping. Which is why half the carrots went on the floor.

2) Me and Melissa stayed up till 2 Am discussing everything and the kitchen sink, why we talked about the kitchen sink I dont remember, maybe cuz its Scottish, but anyway it was awesome. Religion, and travels, and people and relationships, and our place in life, and ourselves. I talk too much as you all know. and kept apologizing but kept doing it anyway. In the midst of our talking were sounds from the neighbors. Drunken partying and off key singing to off key paino playing. (it was clear that the pianist could play, but was not sober) Anyway we laughed as they sang disney and pop songs.

3) Edinburgh is a great city. Anyway I love this city for about four things (none of them being the weather)
A) its easy to get around, to walk, its relatively easy to get lost and found again. Its centered around a castle that stands above the building line and so whereever you are you are relatively oriented. and if you cant see that you can see the large hills to the east which also helps. So thats nice
B) The architecture, the look, the scenery is amazing, even the normal buildings look old, and there is some real old churches and a fucking castle in the middle of town. Awesome. Every picture has something cool looking in the background and if not, then you are probably in front of stores which you can generally say is either on Prince's street (the main street through the center of town) which is across from the fucking castle, or near the university or the port or something cool.
c) its young and old at the same time, its a old fucking cool looking city and it has a university 5 blocks or so from the center of town so it has a young feel to it. There are bars and clubs and live music, and posters and graffiti and old stone streets and this is all in one of the biggest cities of scotland (maybe the biggest) so its not like its a small town. Its wonderful. finally
D) people watching, its true I do this everywhere and everywhere I do it I love it, I do it at malls in the US cuz thats where the people are but here I can go out to prince's street and if the rain doesnt start and if I bring something to dry a seat off, I can (and have) spent the entire day watching people walk by. I helped 3 japanese tourists find the train station today, I saw beautiful women, men, children. I saw old and young, all races. Stylish or business, casual or groggy old brown gray raincoats.
I love to think about the people, what they are thinking, is this their first time or have they walked this road a million times? are they hurried? scared? lonely? happy? are they loved? do they know it? Are they on their way to work, play, church, family? Are they hungry, sick, tired, shaken?
today I saw a big strong man, and out of one eye he was crying, walking down the busiest street in scotland. I wondered why? was he afraid that others would see him, was he comfortable, was it something in his eye? was it something someone had said, done? was it something he regrets?
I smile sometimes, I cry sometimes, I meet and talk to people sometimes, I get hit on, and flirt, I get offered money and give money. I become homeless and rich at the same time. I worry or rememeber things fondly. I see people who remind me of those I love, and I love them for it. Sometimes I sit and project as much love as I can on each passerby, to see if they turn their head and notice, sometimes they do, sometimes they share a glance, a moment.
I love people watching.

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