Wednesday, June 11, 2008

traffic report

I have been getting a lot of visitors lately who find pictures on google that I have posted... what is funny is that it isnt all the photos... just some. and also if you google "taffyman" a lot of robyn and Jessica's pictures come up but other people who I have linked to like ryan and adrianne dont. weird.

But welcome people.

I also found out that some of my youtube videos have been reposted to other websites... which is weird as hell man.


Yumi Lover said...

Woah that's bizarre.

Emily said...

Photos that reminds me... sorry, I didn't see your comment on my blogger until today... I don't check my own blog very often at all *grimace

How you make those photo mosaics is like this... you pick out all your photos from, and plug the URLs into this address:
and you can change all the specs, then it gives you a code for the credits, and you just upload the photo to wherever (I use photobucket, la la).

I want to see what you make...