Sunday, June 15, 2008

Remember how long my hair was senior year?

These pictures confirm that I was once much younger than I am now.
Also that I had really long hair
Also that I cant keep my eyes open worth shit
and Im taller than my mom, and I have awesome clothes

but pete cant keep his eyes open either... so that cool.... tie dye and peace sign on cheek for graduation.


Emily said...

I remember the first time I ever saw you, you had long hair and one dread in the back. I went Whoa, who is that guy?!

Is it weird to think about younger you, such as, when you teach kids or look at these pictures? Do you ever think "I miss that guy" or "Who is that guy?"

Anonymous said...

I think its weird because i still feel like him... only with a lot more knowledge... not necessarily wisdom. but certainly knowledge.
um but yeah i sort of wish I wasn't wishing i was still him. Its hard to see myself as an older person, and sometimes as a man.
even though i havent really received complaints from others. Except my rents, who tell me to shave and cut my hair all the time.

Yumi Lover said...

omg, ur so scrawny and cute in that first pic!! however, i prefer the chin hair :)