Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I've thought about it and I've brought it out.

I rewatched gangs of new york for the first time since i saw it in the theater. I'm still sort of amazed by it, and still sort of disgusted by it. I think the end is really hard for me because its such a true thing. These people spend their lives grabbing for anything, and in the end all their struggles amount to nothing and they are forgotten. I know that that is the way of the world and history, but I guess there is something about america.... where its just not supposed to happen that way.

Despite everything being ok again, despite having exciting opportunities just over the horizon, tonight I am lonely, not true nostalgia but certainly a sort of longing.
I spend my life sort of believing that the pieces will fall together at the right times. I think everything I have seen sort of points in that direction.

but waiting is not a fun thing.

So in other news... what should I teach this summer? -i think im leaning towards religions...

And also... tomorrow I might go see Mr. Obama declare victory for the democratic nomination at the excel center.

1 comment:

Yumi Lover said...

I'm tired of waiting too. Well mostly...

I wish I'd gone to see Obama... did u?