Monday, May 15, 2006

I think YOU work for the CIA!!!

I have been having a hard time getting started on drawing or even fucking around on my computer here... spose that means i have been busy. Last night I played "Metropoly" with 3 english cats, an italian, and a romanian girl who is dating the italian, but was trying to flirt all night... She was very young seeming and sort of dimwitted as far as the game, but maybe she never played before... she wasnt dumb (i mean she knew like 3 languages) but she did that thing that little kids do in monopoly where you take your money really seriously... as if it were real.. and she would like say things like "im gonna buy a new pair of shoes!" with each pass of go....

today i met another man... interesting actor from hollywood.
likes to hit on people
um when i figure out his whole name i will look him up and put some sort of link on here maybe

spent the last 2 hours tryign to find a movie theater to no avail... and then found the chili peppers cd for 30$ which is too much but i really really want it.

i guess i dont have much to say.. leaving for krakow on friday...

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