Saturday, May 20, 2006

EIght tidbits of suckeriffic fun!

(thats a goal now, 8...)

lets see.
I have no Gaydar...Well thats not true, I do sometimes, like the old man from the past few, i caught that before he said anything, but he drops hints... rachel's friend in montpellier, caught that same way, before he said it.
but european guys are hard.
There are two italian guys in this hostel (they are the only other people here, and its fairly large, I have an 8 bed room to myself right now -smooth)
anyway. I wake up because the guy wants me to pay, and then he shows me the computer with free internet (score) so i run in to the other two guys, and one of them has just showered and asks me if i have a hair dryer for his short ass hair. (thats emphasis not literal) anyway.. hes hanging with another guy, both are fairly buff, both italian, clearly good friends, (sound like they are speaking german to me, but i had like 2 hours of sleep in 2 days so...) anyway they are showering etc to go out. they seem kind of effiminate, but no actual signs... I wake up 5 hours later and one of them is putting clothes on and the other is going to the bathroom... I think to myself "self, what would require you to change 5 hours after u have taken a shower and gotten dressed? AHHH..." and i assume they been going to town all afternoon. They leave. I leave later.... I come back around 9ish and one of them is at the computer and the other is in his breifs and socks.. and I think "ok they are a couple for sure..."
15 minutes later the guy who was in his underoos walks in and says "we are chatting with some ukranian girls online who we are hoping to meet when we go to ukraine in a few days" (at first im like "ok i was wrong" then I think "well maybe they are just friends" and then he goes on a big long thing about how great russian women look and then about latvian women and then about irish women... and blah blah blah.... so -conclusion. European men often dress metro, and often are actually the sleeziest sex fiends ever!

2)Last night, and yesterday i spent all day on a train. I had stayed up all of thursday night to catch my 6:08 am train to krakow... at the station i saw some cats playing guitar, and asked em some questions and shit.. school group (highschool) class for a few weeks in romania and poland. Smooth.
I go to sleep on the train, (empty car)
wake up to like 4 of em in my car hanging out.
we sit and talk all day and night.
interesting things:
they go to a boarding school program for "bad kids" where they get kidnapped (basically) and sent away for a year or two and go through all these weird things. at first I think it sounds aight, later im not as sure.
the kids in my car have been sent away for drug and anger problems.. they are 16 and 17 and they seem like the nicest kids in the world (this is why i like the program)
somehow the environment offers them a new chance to start over at a rate that doesnt seem so hectic so they have time and support to mature and deal with things in a different way--it works honestly.
the problems... it costs a fortune.. like as much as 5 years at morris. It offers them little breathing room. no touching no kissing, no drugs no violence, no talking back etc. the staff actually seem really sweet, but you wonder how tolerant they are with the kids who dont follow along.
anyway.. i had a great time, and it was really nice, i felt like i could still relate in meaningful ways to highschool kids, and be fun... but also mature and teach them some things.
it was great for me too, because i have been wondering if i will like being a teacher and with a few hours with them, i was reassured that it will be what i want.

3) krakow is sweet. its like a mix between munich, dubrovnik and cesky krumlov... its bohemian and cool. and i like it. im glad my brother is coming here.

4) my brothers plane shit sucks... i wanted to go to prague right away but he gets in at 8 and the train leave at 10 with a 40 minute bus ride inbetween (too close for comfort) and then he leaves at 6 am on the 30th, which probably means staying at the airport all night. plus now im not sure if i can use my ticket out of prague (because i thought he would be able to fly out from there) so i might be paying another 150 or so to fly from here, or paying 100 bucks to go to prague to use it... is it worth it?
we shall see

5) im gonna put up some poetry on my poetry site tonight...

6) school: i have two incompletes for the semester. shit i have to finish up later. journal, 3 papers, blog, and write an intro and conclusion to my india paper (which she just now told me)but she thinks i can get an A once i turn everything in.

7) fuck im running out of shit to say.
less than 2 weeks... i smell like all hell, my shoes are done for... my socks get gross in like 2 hours of walking and my one pair of pants has more stains on it then.... something else....
last night was fucking freezing on the train, so i bundled up in a long sleeve and a sweatshirt, which is weird coming from weather i was about to pass out in. I think the temp here is fine, especially during the day. everyone is in t shirts and skirts (which attracts the eye) but at night it gets sweatshirt weather.... so really... just perfect.

8) i bought eurotrip which is actually a terrible movie in a lot of ways but i still think it explains a lot about how these things go, and it is funny. plus lucylawless is sweet, and theres that one scene with david hasselhoffs head! so i guess im gonna watch that tonight or tomorrow. looking forward to ditching my shit with steve. I been spending too much money lately, and will probably return with less than I thought I would. but at least i havent been having a horrible time. life is beuno.
peace and love

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