Wednesday, December 17, 2008

So I haven't done a certain thing I usually do on the daily for a week now. In some ways it feels really good, because I'm actually not freaking out. I thought I would be having all sorts of side effects... but generally I am just as happy/productive. I am also getting to sleep and occasionally having fascinating dreams.
I'm not sure what this means for the future. The one thing I see as a major setback is the random excitement that I used to be able to fill my time with. I can't say that I haven't sought it out in other ways, but I am not obsessing like normal. I read, I listen to music, I watch movies, I sleep.

One of the reasons I am doing this is because it has been bothering me with work. I feel sometimes like a hypocrite and also like people would look down on me. I also worry sometimes that I might be randomly grouped into something that my jeopardize my job, which would be heart breaking to me.
Another reason, is that I sometimes wonder if I am getting my needs met in the wrong ways. I think I need to seek out more human attention and contact. I also need to push myself to meet new people... and hopefully some of this nervous energy can be rerouted into trying new things.

This may all fail this weekend, or later tonight... but for now. I am sort of proud of myself. Breaking habits.

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