Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Personally, I dont think my room should be so cold that I have to wrap a blanket around my frozen self to keep warm.

Maybe thats just me.

This week:
Well, yesterday I went home with a headache so bad that I could barely move or think or see. It sucked. I hid myself under blankets and hoped that it would go away... it did eventually but I got something like 12 hours of sleep yesterday and the day before.

Today at work I tried to get a bunch of shit done so that everything is ready for the overnight and for break.
Our school is running, but seems to stumble every few days... and I don't know if its anything we can help, but we are trying.
Everyone is ready for break. But first the holiday overnight. I'm worried about the person I have to secret santa for. We haven't been getting along lately. Anyway.... I guess the staff has to make a dinner for all the students... this seems complicated when we are also trying to set up the whole school, prepare for gift giving, make sure kids have permission slips and shit.
It's hectic to work with a bunch of nicotine addicted teens who don't want to be there.

I don't know when I am going to Sioux Falls, but I am pretty sure that is happening.
I also don't know what I am going to see all of you... Many people will have a longer break than I... but several people are only in town for a few days... so trying to sneak them in... and with this weather I'm not sure I will see anyone.
I am sure there will be a crash outside my window at some point this winter... and me and the cat will watch.

I guess I don't have anything to say... thanks to those of you who have posted interesting things on your blogs lately. Keeps me in touch... though I am a recluse.

Also thanks for the comments.

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