Thursday, November 06, 2008

always sleepy

It sucks when you want to sleep always.

I slept from like 6-11ish... granted it was not good sleep... cats constantly jumping on me. Movie playing too loudly...

I am so fucking allergic to the cats some times. makes my eyes itchy, makes them dry, makes them want to close.

in other news.

A student the other day called me "pathetic" in front of the class. He was extremely frustrated and I talked to him about it after class for about ten minutes.
Several students came to my aid and said he should be kicked out.
I understood his frustration, so I didn't need to kick him out. His outburst also made the class shut up, so it accomplished what needed to happen.
But its hard when students begin to expect punishment, rather than logical decisions.
Students shouldn't say things like "make an example." fuck that. Be an example.

These students will drop swear words and threats for any little thing, I'd like to show them that you don't have to take everything personally. I have a good relationship with this student and he is a good kid. I know that he said it out of frustration and I can forgive him that, what I cannot forgive is the three of four jokers who have now dropped this word jokingly as they walk down the hall. That is not OK.

Besides the kid was right and I told him why. I have a really hard time kicking kids out of class when it is more than one. If there are 6 kids talking, I cant very well pick one and say you deserve to leave, while those 5 stay. That would be silly. So I am planning on having a little chat with the class about all this. Eventually I want to see students encouraging good behaviors out of students. I want to see students engaged in their own learning, and when they are frustrated I would like them to raise their hands and calmly and respectfully say to the class "Hey guys, I know you are just trying to stay interested here, but I am having a hard time concentrating because I can't hear the speaker, can we please respect the classroom rules and pay attention?"
-because if a kid said that, I would have no problem kicking the next irritating person out of class, but when it is the class.... well shit, sorry guys, life isn't supposed to be all fun... lets struggle through this.

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