Wednesday, August 06, 2008


I am going to a work party today. Its one of the teacher's birthdays. That doesn't mean I should bring a present does it? I aint got no money. I could make her a balloon hat.

This week has really filled up. I mean... I think every day is now filled. (meaning I have at least one thing going on).

My little brother is coming home from Milwaukee, I don't know for how long. Family is worried about his mental health.

It seems to be raining with a blue sky. I was introduced to the student co-op last night. It seemed like a really nice place. I loved the amount of people... but it also seemed kind of messy and crowded. It made me wonder if I could live there. It has such wonderful positives, but am I too picky now for the negatives? Not that it matters. Just the idea. I look forward to hanging out there... but I worry that my interest in the other people living there would make my friends who I am seeing feel uncomfortable.

I have been reading this book called The secret History of the Rulers of the World by Philippe Gigantes who was a Canadian politician and journalist. Its funny because he is simultaneously really openly critical of these horrible regimes, but at the same time you can tell he is very biased towards "democracy" and "Christianity" (the way he sees them)... so when he talks about the cold war he discussed the atrocities of Communists with a little bit more disdain than when he talks about the British. Still even with the bias... its a fairly decent read. Its a nice reminder of things in this world. Very blunt. But I wonder if someone without the history background would understand it. (I am considering using excerpts for classes).

I also recently read Uncle Sam by Steve Darnall and Alex Ross... which is a graphic novel. I am hoping to use some graphic novels in the history classes.

Oh well... that was me wasting time. Thats all folks.

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