Tuesday, August 12, 2008

"Its in the air, were waiting"

For all my talk of peace I rarely do anything to help the movement or stop the war.

I suppose I vote for those I think are most likely to politically end the war. I suppose I vote for those I believe are most likely to keep us from another war.
But I cannot say I am 100 % certain I am not financially backing companies that make munitions, or benefit in some way from the war. I certainly cannot say that my purchases are in any way meant to help or stop the war. I can't say I have ever taken direct action against the military, the government or the corporations that benefit from the war.
I have protested. I have sung. I have written. I have discussed. I have sent letters. I have carried the visuals "imprinting them proudly on my face, arm and chest, but would have saved more lives buying bullet proof vests, and did I invest? No"

I often think about shutting down the war factories. The U.S. (I believe) is the world's largest producer of weapons. Fitting since we spend more on weapons than any other country. We also sell more weapons than most countries and we sell them to every scum of the earth as well as every "freedom fighter."

We intervene in more countries militarily, economically and politically than any other country. Replacing leaders and silencing the voices of the local people, causing the wars we are supposedly against. Nothing new, every other major power has done it... we are just currently better at it.
Americans are probably more upset by the war in Georgia a country they had never heard of up until a few days ago than the ongoing wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries that we don't even get to hear about on the news.

I'm reading this book about the radical history of Minnesota. Its quite interesting and reminds me why this state has thrived. It thrived because it was progressive, because it had extreme voices (and fists) that challenged the status quo so as to make the changes that would be necessary in bringing about a better state for all. We have/had strong unions, farmers, activists.
Who fought police, gangs, corporations, politicians and occasionally the military. Shedding blood and their rights to bring about better conditions.

You heard of Alliant Tech? Do you know what they make there?
Have you heard of Honeywell?

Growing up here, I am sure you have heard of these companies... but maybe didn't know that they make all the big guns and bombs that the US uses to pulverize civilians, militants, terrorists and freedom fighters. Landmines, Nuclear Bombs, cluster bombs and assault weapons. To rip the world a new one.

"Why are we silenced?"

Alliant tech is now housed in Eden Prairie. There is a protest there every wednesday morning from 7-8.

Anyone want to go some time?

This is the group that runs the protests, for more information check this website out.

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