Monday, August 25, 2008

momentum from the party pit

I got like 4 hours of sleep. I watched two movies last night (The Martian Child and Blue State), but neither of them was as good as the one I watched on Saturday (Dedication). Maybe I just like Billy Crudup or whatever his name is.
Yesterday the Smitten Kitten was giving away free snow cones and it reminded me of the fact that I want to work there. I was thinking maybe having a 5-9 shift on a Monday or Tuesday wouldn't be so bad. It would be for nothing more than the fun. I think I would have to ask my head teacher if that would reflect poorly on the school.
Another thought I had yesterday was about school supplies and copy right law.
Basically I hate it. A normal DVD costs anywhere from 10-20$ a school copy costs $90-150. There is no difference between these items. You are paying for the privilege of showing them to an audience. That is stupid and any company that would sue a school for copyright violation is a company going to hell.
I'm reading this book called Becoming like God, its not so hot.

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