Thursday, August 28, 2008

My Vote?

I really want to vote third party, I am especially happy that Cynthia Mckinney has entered the race with the green party, because I feel like she is a politician who does and says what needs to be done and said.
However, that is made really really hard when Obama gives speeches like he did tonight. They are amazing. Biden's speech was great too. I would really like to see them do what they say, but I don't necessarily believe in the dems.


Anonymous said...

You must not care then too much if McCain wins, because when people vote third party, that's what happens.

Anonymous said...

How true. It sucks that our system works this way, but you're kidding yourself if you think voting third party is going to accomplish anything in this election.

Anonymous said...

Ditto. I want to grab anyone who wants to vote third party and shake them by the shoulders and then slap them in the face, hoping to slap some sense into them. No offense Mike, this is a free country and all, but this is NOT the election to try and "make a statement." You have the right to vote for what you believe in, and if you believe in all the stuff the third party candidate is saying, that's great, but never has a third party candidate won an election, so what makes people think suddenly one will now? This is just my opinion, and you don't have to accept it or agree, of course, but please, PLEASE think this through very, very thoroughly!