Saturday, July 19, 2008

mike's 2 week challenge

So I want to do a sort of living challenge for myself since I have some time off. This challenge will be two weeks long. It will start Monday which means no treats at the Batman movie for me.

The basic idea is to try to challenge myself to live a bit healthier for a few weeks, I am hoping that it will remind me I can live without certain things, and maybe challenge me to be a little bit more receptive to healthy lifestyle choices. Here is what I have so far, please feel free to comment, give suggestions etc. Right now I am also trying to think up some punishment style ideas, I was thinking of things like "no cds for a year" "cut my hair" etc if I do not complete my task. However certain things may be adjusted if plans change. For instance I can refill my gas tank if I need to go out of town for a few days (that sort of thing). I also think I will make exceptions to eating out if people come into town or are unable to come over to make food.

Here is the idea.


fast food
added salt
heavy sugars (corn syrup based items)
gasoline (I will fill up my tank on monday and then no more) This is to encourage walking and biking.
drugs (Tylenol etc included)



Ride bike (at least 10 times)
Canoe (at least 2 times)
Yoga (at least 2 times)
Stretch (at least 10 times)
Walk around the lake (at least 2 times)
Sit ups (at least 1000)

Activities and life style:

Must complete at least 4 paintings.
Must read at least 2 books.
Must write at least 5 poems.
Must write at least 1 song.
Must attend at least 2 concerts.
Must do the "smile thing" at least 2 times.
Must eat at home at least 90% of the time.
Must make at least one video.

So ideally this plan will leave me eating a lot of fruits and veggies, drinking a lot of water, making food that is healthy etc. The activities will hopefully push me to get out of bed and do something, even if I don't always want to. If you have read this far, I think you might have figured out that a lot of these things could be interactive, so please feel free to join me and help. I.E Canoing is a two to three person thing.

Also if you suggest something that is not on this list, I may add.
I may also need rides to things like concerts if we go far away.

Thats the update.
I think the reward for this might be a digital 4 track recorder thing, that I can make music with.
Right now I cant actually afford it, but in a few months I could... but I was hoping to have one before the end of the summer so I can do stuff with it. Maybe if I knock off a lot of the stuff on the list and it is going well I will purchase it in the second week. Oh well.


Im an idiot.


Anonymous said...

Mike, this is great, and you may have inspired me to do something similar! With my own different terms, of course. I would LOVE to go canoing with you too, or really any of the activities you have listed, because I as well need to get out and do more physical, exercise-type stuff. So really, any time you need someone to join you, give me a call and I'll be there, k?

Emily said...

Super idea, Mike! I wish I had thought of this earlier in the summer!

If you want to really push yourself on the food issue, I suggest going raw, or trying to make X percent of your diet raw... there are a lot of raw and vegan eating-out options in the TC, so I've heard. Here's a neat article about eating raw from my favorite motivational website:

Also... what is the "smile thing"? It sounds like a super-secret spy move.

Good luck! But don't get bummed if you don't meet all of those number requirements... they're just numbers! If you feel genuinely accomplished, that's much more important.

love love

Illy said...

I am so proud of you for making these goals!
I am always down for yoga and then fruit and veggie grocery shopping-
This week sucks cause I start my new job today and then I have family coming into town this weekend- as well as moving- but when you are ready lemme know and ill clear my schedule!

Yumi Lover said...

How is it going Mikey?

I will def canoe with you when I have a spare moment. That might not be til after the 2 weeks tho.

I think you should not put a number on the painting, books, poems, song thing. I think you should do hours spent, because who is to say how long it takes to finish that 1 painting? Maybe like 3 hours a day working on art/poetry, 1 hour spent reading a book, that kind of thing.

Also, I heard that raw is not always better, because cooking sometimes brings out nutrients in certain vegetables. But what do I know really... I am the queen of eating out altho I just bought sandwich stuff and I have saved a lot of money by making sandwiches.


Yumi Lover said...

Oh yeah, and I'm distraught about the no icee rule. How about, 1 icee every week 1/2. haha