Wednesday, July 23, 2008

day 3

So I have had a headache for 2 days and its starting to make me cranky.
I had wonderfully fascinating dreams last night. I remember most of them (this is abnormal).
Just about everyone I knew was in the dreams. The highlight was probably a minute long hug with Gabi that meant she wasn't mad at me (but I don't know if thats true or not).

Food wise, I'm roughly on. My meals have consisted of apples, oranges, plums, peanuts, peanut butter, bok choy, broccoli, carrots, cucumber, lettuces, pea pods, celery... oh and a bagel once.
I haven't stuck to the raw thing. For drinks I have had water and juice. I am hoping for a smoothie soon.
My food seems really flavorless without salt. That doesn't necessarily mean I like flavor, but I seem a lot more willing to use seasonings.

Exercise, I have walked around the lake once, done some stretching a few times, rode my bike to see batman (almost died on the way-summer heat) and did some sit ups. I think the sit ups at this point will be the biggest challenge. Originally I thought..."shit I can do a 1000 situps in a few weeks...) but now I realize that a 1000 is a lot. It might end up being more like 500 at the most.

I been working on some music, about a third of the way into a book about the history of sexual advice (in the world) and may be going to a jazz club tonight.

My opinion of this experiment seems to vary pretty dramatically. I have huge doubts as to whether I would keep any of this up... and of course I haven't really done anything yet.... maybe its the headache. I just cant imagine coming home from a walk like the one I did yesterday and not thinking "man I should get some fastfood on the way."
When I got home, I had no desire to make any food.


I wish I could say I had a lot more to talk about, but I don't seem to.
I once again blame this on the headache.

I thought this was interesting

1 comment:

Yumi Lover said...

What was that vid? It's no longer available and that makes me want to see it more.