Wednesday, January 03, 2007

turn away now, cuz u dont give a damn about this

Im gonna update my India and Europe website later tonight, hopefully with some pictures that most of you could see if you checked facebook.

Also I got the easy tease album Bold Displays of Cowardice, and though i have only listened to one song and the 4 i downloaded off myspace... I recommend it. I was introduced to the Easy tease by Olde English and adam janos (the dude who used to have the fro) sings and plays piano.... i mean with a trombone, banjo, piano drums and sweet sweet band vocals what more could u want its like a party for every song. 12 tracks...

also I bought like 5 cds and a movie on amazon last night.... dont ask why... but a lot of fiona apple, regina spektor, a mighty wind soundtrack.
i forgot what movie but thats half the fun of buying shit online.

At this point im thinking no on the video camera... maybe in summer. "there I said it, I was honest, and you know what being honest makes you feel better" ~can of mixed vegitables

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