Thursday, January 25, 2007

So that annonymous comment made me realize I have no idea who reads this, like none whatsoever.... I assume 4-5 people tops...

lets see...

illy occasionally..
laurel sometimes
jenni sometimes at least from that one comment(which i didnt respond to cuz im an asshole and didnt know what to say)
maybe ryan, for some reason i doubt that though...
I dont know... aaron I?
Nova sometimes when she isnt in Israel...
krystin when she was feeling better.

i dont think my family does... james maybe once a year.
wasnt aware if my roommates do, I think they know all my bullshit anyway...

So if you are one of these people or someone else you should leave me comments, or say hi... or drop a note on facebook or e mail if you think that is easier... just like every once in awhile... 1 every two months or something...
Im just curious... I dont think it will make me write differently...

If you havent noticed I kind of use this more as a journal... a journal in which i preach a lot.
its useful for venting...

and now that I think about it, I probably wouldnt read this if I werent me, I mean unless I was like attached to me in some way... but it doesnt have a lot going for it... rarely original, usually rants and raving, lots of emo bullshit... how many times can you hear me complain about the same damn thing before it gets old? the blogs I read are creative and original... they tend to use great masterful works of prose and poetry, well thought out and beautiful... and when they write about their lives without the extra... you know its special, you know they mean it and couldnt take the time to make it seem more fancy than it was... its human and real.

my vocabulary is somewhere around that of an 8th grader I think, I discovered that in my poetry class today... fancy words and I say things like "awesome" "real nice.." "great"
but that Mary girl really does have some awesome stuff...

I spose i got my call for "keepin it real"

i guess thats one of the things im thinking with my poetry class lately... its like, so what if my stuff sucks... a shitty mixture of trying to be pretentious poetic and writing stupid songs or spoken word flows... but so what if they end up poorly managed... cuz well the main reason I write them is to get shit off my mind.... and that explains why im not eager to revise or edit... cuz the moment was captured for me anyway... and yeah or course if it helps anyone else- im glad, but uh yeah...

dylan plays me out... the chimes of freedom flashing...


Anonymous said...

hi mikey mike--
I do read your blog and I am safe in Israel and having quite an interesting adenture--
I will try to keep in touch but dont hate me if I fail
love you'

Scout said...

I read you loud and clear.


Anonymous said...

I read this every chance I get, so keep the posts coming k? Being so far away right now, it's the only way I keep up with your life. Because it's important to me.