Sunday, July 08, 2007

I did a new painting of a guitarist, but im not sure I like it... I guess the spacing isnt exactly right, so if you look at it from above it might look ok, but if you look at it normal, the guy's hand and arm look too small, or maybe his head looks too big. we shall see if i redo it.

I went and saw skinny long feet last night, below are some lyrics...
they have really put something together, even with a new bassist. The drummer has added new beats which work on a lot of the songs, maybe with the exception of shootin for the eight ball. which it seemed like abe changed the lyrics to.
but all in all it was really well done.

Im currently listening to some stuff chris degrood recorded one night and threw together, and hes a bit modest, it sounds pretty good.

anyway... might skip the brother ali show today and go to dinner and a movie with my brother.

got to see illy and lacey and tony m, and a whole bunch of cats i spose last night...

anyway life is beuno...

Honeybee by Skinny Long Feet

“Gonna have me an orchard, with the sparrows on the top,
Gonna buy me a nice blind horse to ride,
I’ve got no axe to grind,
I’m a healthy man and I’m feeling it all the time.

What come along and stung me? It’s a honeybee,
The red that pounds from in my chest ah don’t it call to thee?
I’ll need flowers in my hand, if I ever plan to have a dance with a honeybee.

I would never get no work done,
on my orchard,
Without you around.
You’re bringing pollen in to every blossom,
That attracts you,
Heaven I want you around.

And I’m left waiting for the wind to bring you in, honey,
But I’ll tell you what I been thinking,
there you go again,
with your stinger.
And you leave me on a limb, I’ll be helpless and I’m fighting to breathe love.

I want to love you honeybee, and I would completely,
But you see I have got a bee sting allergy.
You understand what that means?
I would die if you touched me, if only.”

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