Friday, July 27, 2007

"fallout" (a JF song off his third record) keeps coming on randomly on itunes... and i take things as a sign, but "fall(ing) out of love again" seems a little odd at this moment, not being in love and all.

Yesterday was my last day of work, and we didnt do much... so I chatted with the girls, and cleaned tables and what not. It seemed a rather abrupt ending to something but oh well.

Then I hung with Illy all afternoon and night. We talked about some interesting stuff, concepts etc... but I totally forgot what I wanted to write about.
Then I came home and watched Rocky balboa and fell asleep.... its aight and what not, but Im sort of more impressed that stallone can write and direct movies... he comes off as so brutish.... I know he has even done an impressive acting job in several films... but I just dont see it.

Im supposed to hang out with Laurel and Kat today... which should be very nice. Tonight is the humanboy with pleasure pause show... looking forward to that. and uh tomorrow maybe simpsons... and sunday maybe the complete works of WS abridged with rachel and alicia... and then maybe valley fair on monday.... so -so far no boredom.

I wish I could remember something interesting to talk about, but unlike those other bloggers... here you get unadulterated blah

1 comment:

Yumi Lover said...

All I talk about now is my cats. I'm way more boring.