Sunday, March 04, 2007

Sometimes I think it sucks that I dont hold people's "faults" against them... i mean i often have the emotional reaction... i understand the trigger... but i just accept it like "its cool" thats just who they are...

for example

people being late all the time
having petty grudges...
backing out of things
allowing pissy mood to affect better judgement

all these things are very common in people I really like, and probably me... but although I know these traits frustrate me in them... i dont hold it against them because for some reason they get a free pass....

this came up because...
i was just looking at pictures of people and i noticed that some people have rivalries, but in one of them i forgive it and it doesnt bother me, and in the other i think "yeah but shes weird" and its not because one is better than the other... just that i like and know one better...
weird eh?



Anonymous said...

I tend to let things slide long as you don't let people start walking all over you. Really, I think it's funny how often people get self-conscious and apologize for the tiny flaws they assume annoy you, but never for the big things.


Anonymous said...

With Joe I knew the end was near when I didn't hold any of his faults or flaws against him. That's when I knew, absolutely knew, that I had to get out of that relationship. I got to a point where he couldn't hurt me anymore because nothing he did made me angry. I had no reaction to his faults/mistakes. I understood him on such a level that I wished he could be better but knew that he wasn't, so I didn't get mad at him for not living up to my expectations. Isn't that weird? To know that he wasn't going to live up to my most basic expectations, and at the same time not to have the necessary anger to fuel a break up. I was content to know that I would be disappointed but that he would at least be there. (God that’s sad to admit) I think my problem was that I fell in love and grew close to him before I knew/saw his faults. I agree with you that it's easier to forgive the faults of people we are close to or know well. Possibly because we understand where those faults are coming from. My problem with Joe was that I accepted and to a point understood his dissatisfaction with me and our relationship and so I understood his cheating and I understood his yelling at me and other flaws and these things didn’t really bother me except in that very rational part of my mind that pointed out that these behaviors would be wrong/upsetting in anyone else. It’s amazing what we let people we love get away with. Me maybe more than others.