Sunday, February 23, 2003

the state of things

So im laying in bed right? and im thinking up scenarios in which friends of mine are hurting, this used to be paranoia based on reality, maybe still is, but sometimes u get frightened by bad news, gossip and drama.
When I was in europe i mostly heard good shit from home, stuff made me want to return, and though i knew some stuff was probably a bit rough, i figured its all good and it is. gabs was kind of asking about how it is returning and seeing people, i was telling her of picking up old roles i played, roles i longed to play while i was away. I enjoy them they give me purpose they give me joy, seeing smiling faces, or sad faces and being there at least to comfort. But it can be a bit overwhelming sometimes. You get one situation figured out, you do it honestly morally, u work things out for the better, u hope. The next situation arises, kind of wonder how u can do the same, new and different. And you wonder if you should even get involved, you wonder if you already are because that one person told you, that one person is relying on you to comfort them and you dont know how yet, so u ask around. and should u ask around? gives away too many secrets give way to too much gossip too many peoples feelings let out, even more drama created even more feelings hurt, and after all couldnt we all just be overreacting? isnt it true thats it's just one person's issue? shouldnt we give them that, allow them to handle it, put faith in them to work it out? dont steal other peoples moods mike, dont do all their worrying for them, still u wait for that next coffee shop talk, that next half silenced conversation on the phone or even the internet (just hoping u dont make them feel like a thirteen yr old) secrecy and confusion why not tell him? why not tell her? your friends? your parents... is it pride or confusion or basic ill honesty that holds us back? and from where and when will the real comfort come... its all a world of mixing no? several billion mal-adjusts dependent and independent of each other

but really sometimes mike just needs to dance at a concert, write vicious bad poetry and draw in red and black.

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