Tuesday, February 11, 2003

The mcdonalds and starbucks signs visable from the airplane window hundreds of feet high notified me i was back in an english speaking country. Not that they dont have those in other countries but they dont seem to take as much pride in displaying them so gracefully in the clearest of areas in those far flung regions. Quotes from famous writers greeted me as i moonwalked on the moving rubber pathway. The custum's agent asked her questions suspiciously, a sign of things to come.
My flight plans secured (manana i leave at 3:55 and get to chicago at 6:30, landing at the home airport at 9:45, completing my eighth and final plane trip this journey) i exited the station the slow train to victoria, still trying to save money at every step.
The old dark houses of london and all its heavy clouds threatened to stifle my joy until the homeless entertainer entered and sang songs in english for "hostel" money. he should move south, move to barcelona, life is easier. Buskers welcome.
10 mins in wait at victoria station.

The evenin standard (or whatever its called) yelled LONDON ON FULL TERROR ALERT!! this as i was quickly walking away from victoria station, the alarms still ringing in my ears, sort of like that jazz hip hop club i visited the night before(the story u probabaly read before this)

So anyway london is being london, and victoria station is fine for now, but heathrow (the airport i fly out of) has 450 soldiers on guard so im thinking i will go early and harass them. or just make sure i get on my flight.

Hmm so is it worth it 5.90 for fish and chips? i mean seriously thats like 8-9 bucks right now, doesnt even include a drink. Maybe i can find a cheaper place.

Be home manana. one more post on a seperate topic above this....

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