Thursday, May 26, 2011

Well I am not feeling creative at all. In fact, I would really like to go to sleep, but I have been feeling like there are things I want to write about... so maybe they will come out if I give them a space.

So what first?

I am listening to Alegria, Cirque Du Soleil is coming into town this weekend and I will not be attending. There are more cats here than normal as my roommates brother is in town. I will fix the typos later but maybe I can concentrate better with my glasses off my eyes hurt.

Teaching is one thing I would like to talk about. Teaching is one of those things that seems like more than a job, like a life style choice really. In most other professions I imagine you can take off your work clothes and enjhoy life, not always so as a teacher. It may be the nights you stay up doing work, literally grading and planning, or the nights you stay up worrying or problem solving. Worrying about the students and their progress or lack of academic progress, problem solving classroom issues, problem solving student life issues like "I wonder if I should suggest they check out this shelter, or this food shelf." Or thinking about the 50 times you were taken advantage of and trying to be a little bit more strong next time so you don't resent them.  Then of course there are co-workers issues, like in every job... and in mine I have so few issues. I really honestly think the world of my co-workers... they are all the hardworking life giving type of people. They open their hearts even when they know better, they stand firm and back each other up, they are so damn positive even in the moments of despair....  I can't count the amount of compliments and thanks I get on the daily... I don't really understand how they do what they do... and they think the same of me, which is hard. Its hard to not feel worthy of it... or to worry that one day I will disappoint, but until then I know I will give my all... and they seem to give me looks that say they will too. And then there is the rest of the education world, the politicians that use us for punching bags, the administrators that drag us out as show ponies only to jab and push in every wrong direction, the district that mismanages purposefully, who do everything in their power to make us struggle because they cant get their own shit together. The society that couldn't care less because they have some how forgotten that in order to make the future better you have to invest in it.    ---its a battle... teaching is a battle, no make that a war, and on all fronts different battles...
We are all feeling defeated and raw,  and then they say budget cuts and less staffing.
So we flex and prepare to go down swinging I guess.

Tornadoes, I told Illy this already but have you ever been inside a Target trying to think about how to rebuild or help out your community  and it suddenly dawns on you that Target is a giant waste of resources and that these things should be available to the in need  public without you purchasing? I don't understand our country or our mixed up priorities. I saw a hundred people singing and marching yesterday in red shirts and it gave me a longing to march in a parade of a hundred thousand. We could all be singing together instead of tearing each other down, instead of some of us in mansions and some in shelters... we could just be together. I am not sure the planet will allow capitalism to exist much longer, but I can't wait for us to wake up and embrace... even if it is at the moment of our death  we could be united in song.

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